Back to Iowa, Back to work.
Yesterday was my first day back to work.. and I was very sad to see in the list of patients was one of my FAVORITE men from the nursing home. He is one of the most "to it" patients there are.. so it is fun to have a conversation with him .. and he is just liked by everyone. I saw that he went into cardiac arrest and was in the CCU ( critical care unit) ... But as I walked by his room he was alert and was reading his news paper like he always did at the nursing home. So tonight while I was waiting for all the dishes, I decided to stop in and say hi. He was a little slow in talking but then he started telling me about when he passed out. He told me he saw a big staircase and he explained the stairs in great detail.. and how he saw Christ at the top.. and the light there was so bright and like no other light he has ever seen. It really gave me shivers... I know many people who where about to die have witnessed this .. but it was so weird hearing it from him. He is going back to the nursing home tomorrow.. so I guess he is good enough to go back :) I guess it is selfish but I am glad he is still living.. he was really a joy to me whenever I worked at the nursing home.
On another note: Iowa is cold. No big news I guess :) I took this picture of my car thermometer last night ! Never ever complain of 40* weather :)
And to end this post.. here are some funny pictures from my phone :)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Posted by Rachel at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Missing my nephews
I am on my way back to Iowa. However.. as expected.. my flight was delayed. It makes it a lot better though that they now have free internet so that I can spend my time on it.. there could be more productive things to do.. but oh well! My stay at home was really good. If you are stupid and can't tell.. I love my nephews so much and I am sad that they are growing up without me :( ... oh well. Here is a cute movie of all of them.. don't mind sammy banging little ethan on the head ;)
I also read most of the book "Finding the Will of God" by Bruce K. Waltke. My parents gave it too all my siblings.. so i figured it must be pretty good so I started reading ... and it has been a very good book. I sincerely recommend it to anyone and everyone. I have read 3/4 of it and it has already changed my perspective of how to view God's will in my life. So PLEASE if you can.. buy it or rent it from the library.. it is a very good book and I think it has profound implications for the Christian walk.
Anyways.. I am have a couple more pictures I want to post of the week.. but I have to wait to get my baggage because they are on a flash drive in it! Lets just hope my bags make it to Iowa!! :)
Posted by Rachel at 1:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas 2007Christmas 2006
Family get togethers at my house are always very interesting... NEVER A DULL MOMENT! Here are just a couple examples :) Hope you all have a merry Christmas!
Here is the family.. minus Ethan and I ! As you can tell .. Patrick is at the stage where he hates pictures taken ..We started to see if we could put the napkin holders in our eye and keep them there! My dad was the winner :)
Sarah and I enjoying our time together!
WE had these candles on the table that looked like shot glasses.. so our joke was that when they all melted we had to take a shot of hot wax! ( Don't worry.. we are not stupid enough to do that!)
Patrick did not want to go home :(
Posted by Rachel at 4:57 PM 1 comments
Found out how to do it!!!
I had to make sure I figured out how to put youtube videos in my blog and now I got it down! Enjoy this song.. its one of my favorite :)
Posted by Rachel at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
my life is not so bad:)
I realize I have a lot to be thankful for .. ( I know BIG surprise Rachel.)
My church in Tacoma is breaking off and making a new church in Puyallup ( my town). So Sunday evening they are having a Bible study in the book of Acts, until they can get settled in their own church building. Yesterday the Pastor talked about how the Devil tries to tempt/sway people by two different means.. persecution and seduction. He told us how in other countries this is where we see the persecution .. however in America the devil's prime tool is seduction. It's now so easy to see.. especially around the Christmas season.. when we see everyone's need for STUFF. People often think.. oh if I get this for Christmas, I will be really happy. However, you can see the Devil working through this... taking the real view of Christmas and making it into a God-less one. This holiday season.. I admit.. I fall in this trap...but when I really think about it, best Christmas present is being able to spend this time with my family. My nephews never fail to make me smile ... seriously.. they are all at such a fun stage .. I even did manage to get my first smile from little Ethan :) ( who knows .. it probably was gas.. but I say it was a smile!!) Then when you focus on the things that REALLY matter, it is so much easier to get your focus and realize that the season is focused around Christ and what he has done for us.. and how we should be SO thankful for all he has done for us!
I can't believe how fast this year has gone by... many changes.. very few regrets.. but overall a VERY good year :) Thank you everyone who played a part in my life this year. Everyone one of you blessed me in many ways.. more than you ever will know :)
Have a merry Christmas :) ---Love you all!
Posted by Rachel at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
haha Make up for the lack of pictures lately
Hello Everyone! here are just a couple pictures of my lovely babies! I love them so much!!The slippers I gave patrick but sammy likes them better!
Me and patrick chilling out
Baby ethan!
haha can you tell this is what sarah really wants for Christmas?
Posted by Rachel at 6:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I am finally home!! On Tuesday, as expected .. a flight was delayed and I got to spend 4 extra hours at the Denver airport.. getting home at the ripe hour of 4 am. Thank you to andrew who came and got me!
It has been really good seeing my family, nephews, old co workers, and soon see all my friends! It's amazing how much the boys have grown up... Patrick talks ALL the time, Sammy walks and his personality is SO adorable .. I just want to hold him all day long, and Ethan .. wow.. what a cutie :) I am secretly trying to be the first person that Ethan smiles for .. lets see if it works!!
Tonight I am going Christmas shopping with Rachel..which should be fun! Weird not having to drive a hour for the mall!! And to much of everyone's surprise... I have not even gone to Taco BELL or STARBUCKS! I better get on that :)
Also... Today I got to help sarah with her once a month cooking. Man we cooked at lot. I think we got a little tired so we did not make all 30 meals were were planning to do.. but I we just had 5 or so left!
It's so nice to be home and have warm weather... and not having to warm up Lucy or any car before I can stand to ride in it!!
WEll I hope you all are enjoying your Christmas break.. and time with family and friends :)
Taking care of all my boys at once!My three little boys!
Little Ethan and I
Merry Christmas!
Ethan is SO tiny!!
Posted by Rachel at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I get to meet ETHAN FOR THE FIRST TIME! My brother in law is going to get my from the airport ( the rest of my family really does not want to see me so they are forcing the in law to do retrieve me !)... then i am going to get to see my babies (and family!) ! I am so excited to go home for a while... !!!
Hope you all have a blessed Christmas and I love you all
Posted by Rachel at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone.
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong."
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart.
Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind.
So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you.
Take the time to say the words
Before your time is through.
Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got;
And be thankful for the little things
in life that means a lot.
Posted by Rachel at 9:34 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
New Post
Well hello everyone :)
Brr. Iowa is COLD. FREEZING. Poor lucy has a hard time getting around on the ice and the snow.. so I try and take good care of the poor little car.
Today I was talking to a man that works at the hospital and he was asking about my life.. and it came up that I graduated from Dordt and I was from Washington. He wondered why I moved back here.. and I told him about school and that good stuff and he asked me if I regretted not moving back to Washington. I confidently could say, no I am so satisfied being here and I know this is where God wants me right now.
It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are where God wants you. However, I often wonder about my life. Now that it is almost perfect, I often forget to thank God for the perfect times. I put him on the back burner.. unless something serious happens I quickly retreat to him for help. I often cringe when I look at my life... not praying so much or making excuses not to do my devotions at night. Thats one think in life I need to work on...
Anyways.... that's that for now.
Right now, as Iowa is ICED over, I feel like I am more pinned to my house. Then it gets really boring here I want to go out and DO something but I can't cuz I dont want to kill myself on the road! However, I am thankful for my friends who come SAVE me and take me around places :)
So on Sat. I decided I was just going to make the best of it and spend that time at my friends house. We decided to make Christmas cookies with decorations then watched one of the best movies ever, The Holiday. Then I just spent the night there because no way was I going to get my car home with a foot of snow on the road! It was really fun and relaxing.. and for the first time this holiday season I felt like Christmas was coming soon.
Anyways, life has been good... even with the snow falling down, it still makes everything so pretty. Sorry for the rambling.. it's more for my sake to get it out of my head ;)
Hope you are all doing well! XOXOXOXO
Posted by Rachel at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Iowa is an icecube
I have a new obsession.
GETTING ALL THE ICE OFF OF MY DRIVEWAY. Seriously, it was and just a solid piece of ICE. It really sucked pulling into it, walking on it, or doing anything! So i bought a whole bunch of salt. salted it, then waited a while. Then I spent 2 hours today digging the ice off the drive way and got one and a half sides done. Then today when I got home from school I went at it again!!! It is becoming an obsession to get all the ice off!! My hands have bruses on them from it!!
At least we know that my roommates and I won't be having broken hips or bones from slipping on our driveway!!! ;)
Posted by Rachel at 3:15 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Today was the first day I drove in the snow! SCARY!! I had to drive to work or else I would have stayed at home all day!
1st. My street is the last one in Sioux Center to get plowed!
2nd- today it snowed, sleet, rained, snowed= BAD ICY ROADS!!!
3rd- I got STUCK pulling into my DRIVEWAY. my nice neighbor saw me struggling and offered to pull my car up for me! it was really nice of him!
4th - Then i decided to shovel my drive way. While I was doing it my neighbor took out his nice snow blower and did his whole drive way in the same time I did about a foot square of my driveway. Oh well.. it was a good work out!
Hopefully it melts soon ;)
Posted by Rachel at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Tied together with a smile"
Today I am really happy. I don't know why.. but I do have a couple ideas
1. I have nothing at all to complain about in life! Seriously, God has been so good to me. I have so much to be thankful for. I was thinking about all the steps to get me to were I am and I can not help but seeing God holding my hand ( of course as I tried to struggle away from his good guidance). It is amazing... I am so thankful for everything I have been given, everyone in my life, and all the circumstances that got me where I am now!
2. It's getting cold. The two girls I carpool with are SO nice and are not going to make me drive in the ice and snow. I think they are more concerned about their lives ;) but then I will just get to drive in the Spring to school!
3. I am apparently a bully. YES you heard me, A BULLY. At my three month eval. with my boss he told me that the head of nursing had just came to talk to him and told him that CNA's have been complaining to her to about me bullying one of my co workers! He said he was really surprised because usually when I am there I make the whole atmosphere light hearted and I get along with everyone. In fact, the one particular co worker loves when I work because we always joke around!! ( Thats probably where the CNA's thought the whole bullying came from) When I was told that I was SO surprised. I could not believe it and I was so sad and confused how I got that rep!!!! So I worried about it all weekend and I just felt terrible. People told me not to worry.. but I could not rest until I had talked to this coworker. So Monday after school I went in to work to talk to her. She told me she was surprised with this and told me that I have never bulled her around!!!! So I talked to the head of nursing and cleared thing up and now I feel SO MUCH BETTER!
Anyway.. this week was pretty fun. I got used to being the only one in my house. It helped that I was not here most of the time and if I was I was so dead tired that I just feel asleep right away! Some really good friends came home for the holiday ( Brian, Shannon, and Phil! ) so I hung out with them a couple of nights!
Thanksgiving was.. ya.. has been better! Oh well.. it was still a nice break. Plus it is so much closer to being home with my family and my most precious little boys!!
hope you are all doing well!
Posted by Rachel at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm just sitting here
Hello Everyone!
I am sitting here all alone at my house... all the other girls when home for Thanksgiving already. It's good for me to be alone for a while. My life usually consists of constantly being around people, and I usually hate to be alone, especially at night. It is good though, because solitude is good! ( Don't worry, I am not asking for any pity!! )
Well, while I was sitting her I found something online... I know I have seen it before this summer but it is such an awesome thing I want all of you to look at it.. here is the link
Seriously, it brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it.
Anyways, hope you all have a good day before thanksgiving! Love you all :)
Posted by Rachel at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Keep em chasing you!
Friday was amazing.
For class we have to observe 2 different physical therapist for 4 hours each. So I thought I would get it done in one shot and take all Friday to do that! So I observed the Sioux Center hospital's Physical Therapists . I love it because I knew a lot of what they were doing! I also got to see cleaning of a HUGE burn wound. I thought that would be the area of Physical therapy that I would not like, but I actually was really interested!! It was just so much fun and I can't wait to finally be licensed and get to practice on my own!!
This weekend was also really fun. I love my friends, they are the best! I love my little sister, Diane a whole lot and I am going to be SO sad when she leave in December!
Here are some random pictures of the weekend! I love you Diane!!!! We made some kind of food together but you can't see it because it fell off my fork!Here are some of my good friends! We talked to James' grandma about the Bachelor's finale ( a TV show) and she told us.. " The one thing you girls got to do is keep those men chasing for you!" However, she said it was easier for her because it was right after the war and one guy would come to her house and right when they left another would be there! It was so very cute!
Posted by Rachel at 8:48 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Last night I had the weirdest dream in the world. It seemed so real and it just made me SO happy. Even when I woke up for a few seconds I still thought it was real. Then reality set in and no.. life is still the same.
If only dreams came true.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Rachel at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
That is my life.
1. It is is now the season for one of the best things in the world! VASELINE ! I know many people may not agree, but my lips have been SO chapped the last few days. HOWEVER, if I put vaseline on right before bed..I wake up with really nice lips. So ya. moral of the story.. go out and buy yourself a jar of this amazing stuff!
2. I went and surprised my friend Shannon in Minneapolis this weekend! My friend Ashley and I left after I got off work on Friday and came home at 8 at night the next day! So the whole trip lasted 24 hours but it was worth it. It was Shannon's birthday on Thursday so we thought that she would like to see people she knew for her bday. She was really surprised and glad we came!
3. Today I got to go ice skating! Three of my friends came out and we got to skate for an hour, and I did not lose any of my skating skills! Then we decided that we where going to go to the UNited Reformed Church for evening church, thinking it started at 6:30 . However we made it at 6:28 and realized it really started at 6. WHOOPS. So we drove to a different church, which we realized also started at 6. So we just sat in the back and listened to the sermon ( which was done in about 10 mins after we came!!)
4. other than that, it has been a good weekend. Nice and relaxing :)
Posted by Rachel at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
stay beautiful
where in the world did my cold come from?? I am so stuffed up and I can not breathe. So to solve this problem I went to the NEW SUPER WALMART. The whole town of Sioux Center and every other surrounding town are there right now. It is pretty crazy how big of a deal this Walmart is! I also ran into so many people I knew there, so I figure if I ever get lonely I can go to Walmart and not only get my groceries but find several of my friends there ;) .
Yesterday my friends and I got together in Sanborn and played a great game. It SHOCKS you if you are the loser.. aka you are the slowest to push the button on your hand/game piece. So my friends decided to try to shock different parts of their body.. like their teeth.. feet... necks.. and man was it funny. You could actually see their veins twitching because the current was so strong!
Well, my life is pretty exciting right now. It is at the point where I can't wake up in the morning because I am SO excited for the next day! I won't go into any deals might be boring .. but it is pretty exciting!
Also! People have said my new nephew looks like me!!! thats either a good or a bad thing.. :)
Hope you are all doing well.. :)
Posted by Rachel at 9:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Check your pants!
As a lot of your know, I worked at the daycare all 4 years when I went to Dordt. I visit there sometimes ( not often enough! ) to see my babies. They have grown so much more than last time.. and it is really sad when I don't recognize them and they refuse to kiss me anymore because I am a scary stranger! However, I still have a good time with the kids :)
Well today, I was in the 3 year old's room and playing with this REALLY ADORABLE girl. Someone had a stinky pants while I was there so we all where saying " Check your pants!" as we peeked in their diapers to see if there was a surprise for us. However the little girls is way to smart and came behind me and attempted to pull my pants out and said " Check your pants!" It was SO cute and I just laughed and laughed!
In short, I miss those little kids and they made my day :)
Posted by Rachel at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
What a week!
1st- My mom came to visit! I love my family and my mom and I am glad that she was able to come down and experience our ( Diane and my) lives first hand! I bet it was a little crazy for her... juggling Diane's schedule and my school/ work schedule, but we managed to spend a lot of time with her! Thanks mom for coming!!! I am glad she got to meet all my sweet friends and we got to all have a big supper together which was really fun!!
2nd- I am SO happy to be the auntie of Ethan Andrew!!!I think he is a REALLY cute baby. I thought my other nephew ( Sorry sammy) was kinda ugly when he was born... so I am not just saying that because he is my relation!
Other than that, I am just generally HAPPY with life! I love my friends... It is amazing how my prayers have been answered and the ones that have not been answered, I can see God working in much more amazing ways. Just like moving back to Iowa with most of my friends gone away.. now I have found so many new friends and making relationships with old friends even better!!
Here is the story of the day though...
There is a pop machine/ vending machine at my work that needs to be filled everyday. So i filled it yesterday then the put the key in my apron so I did not lose it on the way back to the kitchen. Then somehow I forgot to put it back in its drawer BECAUSE this morning it was not there!! I search and searched and could NOT FIND THE DUMB KEY ANYWHERE . I was freaking out.. and looked everywhere possible. Until I thought... I keep lots of junk in my apron pocket that I just dump it out at the end of the night so maybe I dumped the key with the rest of my junk! So I went to the dumpster.. yes.. the DUMPSTER and dug out my two trash bags from yesterday and put gloves on and started digging!! On the second bag ( OF GROSS ROTTING FOOD!) I spotted the KEY!!! I was SO excited and really really really relieved. Now I really make sure to put everything BACK right AWAY!!
So anyways.. thats about it for now. Hope you all have a GREAT WEEK!!!
Posted by Rachel at 9:43 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Welcome ETHAN !!!
My sister Sarah just had my little nephew ETHAN ANDREW today at 8:22!! He is 18.5 inches and he is 5.14 oz! I can't wait to meet Ethan!!!
Posted by Rachel at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
"You don't know me, you don't even care"
Alright... I have not posted pictures in a LONG time so here are just a few to make up for the lack of pictures!!! :D ( they go from most recent to furthest time away!)
James on his bday!! We got him a cake and then some REALLY EXPENSIVE JEANS! He has freakishly long legs.. 36 length which only the Buckle ( expensive store in the mall!) But I thought it would be really funny if my nephew was born today, the 31st, aka reformation day, then it would be on Jim's birthday!My and my awesome friend Kari!!
Party at my house and dinner! It was soo good!
The guys like to act like they are not having fun.
Laughing about something!
My friend Justin that came to visit! I made terrible steaks for him . Then these girls came to visit!!! I was so excited!
Me and Jess having a great time!
I had to do a project on food for school and this is a GROSS EXAMPLE OF PUREED FOOD! I hope I never get that old that I have to eat this! Clockwise is meatballs, rice, bread, and carrots.
Now speaking the nursing home I have a REALLY good story!! My coworker had cat ears and a tail so I wore them all day while I was serving the residents at the nursing home. I also drew wiskers and a red nose on me so they could tell what I was. Then right when I walked into a room, this naturally really mean grumpy lady lit up and was ALL smiles!! She started meowing at me, so I meowed at her and they WHOLE day she just loved me and meowed at me! Then I asked her if she wanted to pet my ears and she said " NO YOU SCARE ME!" which really made me laugh. In all, it just made me so happy that I could make this lady happy just by dressing as a cat! I am thinking I should wear those ears more often ;)
Well, hope you are all doing well.. and to my sister Sarah, COME ON AND GET THAT LITTLE BABY OUT OF YOU!! I can't wait to see my new little nephew!!!
Posted by Rachel at 10:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I was just looking at my old post and I have so many posts that I have not posted.. yet they are fully written ! won't you just like to know what they say? probably not.. huh?
I am having a good time with my mom. She took me and my friend Kari out to eat in Le Mars at a really good restaurant ( Four brothers) and then we just showed her around the place! After that we dropped her off at her hotel and went bowling in Hull and I did a pretty bad job! I figure I would be somewhat decent at bowling since I used to bowl every week and took bowling class at Dordt.. what is the matter with me?? lol But it is very fun despite that fact, I love my friends :)
Then I went to look at the stars = which is probably one of the most fun things to do in the world .
Today I took my mom to the church in Sanborn and went out to my friends house for dinner and that was a great time since my friend is a farmer and my mom loves to ask questions about the farm and farming!
She is having a great time here and we still have a lot to do before she leaves!
ALSO I THINK I AM GOING TO HAVE MY BABY NEPHEW THIS WEEK HOPEFULLY!!!! too bad i am not there to see him :( boo Sarah you better post lots and lots of pictures or else I will become depressed here in Iowa.
k ,.. now i really better study for my test tomorrow!!! :D
Posted by Rachel at 8:35 PM 0 comments
oh happy day!
yay! my mom is here! What a wonderful day:)
but sometimes do you do stupid things you wish you really did not do??
Hope everyone is doing well.. more updates later!
Posted by Rachel at 1:34 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hey all,
I don't know if I am allowed to tell people but too late! My sister went into labor today ( 5 weeks early!) but the doctors decided to give her stuff to stop the labor. They want that baby to wait at least one more week, so pray for her ( and the baby of course!) as she is on bed rest ( which is hard with two other little ones! )
However this is so exciting that soon I will have ANOTHER baby to love!!
Posted by Rachel at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
This post brought you to by my parents
Thanks for getting married 28 years ago!!
What came from the marriage was something so very very very special... AKA ME!
Aren't you all glad for my parents; because of them you can read this post!
Love you so much! And don't worry dad, I will come home someday soon!
Posted by Rachel at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Patty Wak!
Since I am not there to give Patrick his present and I am so excited about it.. I am just going to post a picture of it online!!
I will just send it when MY MOM COMES TO VISIT!! She is coming the end of the month just to see me and Diane and I am SO very excited!!!
Yesterday was another one of my friends birthdays so we made him some sweet cakes in tins they were the shape of stars! It was really cool and we had a good time making them! I wish I got pictures but as usual I forgot my camera!
Also three of my really good friends came to Sioux Center! Jessica, Joanna, and Shannon all came down here and I am so very excited to see all of them!!
Well, its my weekend to work .. booo. I have to work at the hospital on weekends and it gets so boring and lonely there!! I wish I could work at the nursing home instead because I just love the residents there. Someday I think I would want to work at a nursing home.. thanks to this job for helping me realize that I enjoy working with the elderly folks! The seriously make my day and I love them to bits!! ( even though they don't remember me they next day.. or the next minute ;) ) !
Hope everyone is doing well!!! :)
Posted by Rachel at 10:09 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
AT the nursing home they give the residents prunes so that they can go poo easier... that should have been my first clue to the magic of these awful fruits? So I was refilling the container of prunes and my co worker popped one in her mouth. I looked at her and told her that was disgusting because they look SO gross. She made me try one then and they were not bad.. so I ate two just to prove that I ate the first one.
Today I am paying the consequences. My stomach is unsettled and it is NOT FUN.
So the moral of the story.. DON'T EAT PRUNES!! ( Unless you are constipated !!)
Sorry for this post but I though I should warn everyone. I'll post more someday later :)
Posted by Rachel at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Patty Wak!
My bABY BOY PATRICK TURNS 3 TOMORROW!!! AHH.. I miss him SO SO SO SO SO SO much! more exciting news to come LATER!!
Posted by Rachel at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
So alone
Today started out a normal early work day... got up at 4:50 and out the door by 5:20.. got to work and chatted with my co-workers a bit and when out to my pod or section of the nursing home to set up tables for breakfast. As I entered the pod.. I saw the all so familiar stand with roses and a big " In memory of .... " sign. At first I was worried it was my most favorite grumpy resident .. but with a sigh of relief God did not decide to take her yet. However it was another lady I did not know really well.. but it was still really sad she died. Then I saw my coworker and asked her about when she died.. and I guess it was yesterday afternoon. But then she stopped and said.. " The worst thing is thats she died alone..." ( with a big emphasis on ALONE) MY heart SUNK. I was like what happened?? No family?? Then she said .. they called her son ( who lives in town) and told him she was dying .. however he just said .. " Call me when she is gone." I have no right to judge this man.. he may have had good reason not to see his mother die.. but dying alone... my heart hurt the rest of the day. I just could not imagine the feeling just knowing I am going to die and no one there.. except probably a nurse to confirm that she was dead and to take the time of death.
alright.. I am sorry about all this death talk.. it was just hard and shocking after I just posted that last post about dying alone.
Hope you all have a good day :)
Posted by Rachel at 3:44 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007
The ins and outs
This weekend:
- I got to go farming again! I went about a year ago.. and I went back this weekend! I rode in the combine with my friends dad for about 2 hours! Me and him have a good time.! It was fun because he was combining a hilly corn field .. and it was kinda scary! It was a relaxing time riding in the John Deere!
- I got to do my most FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! I went camping with a couple of my friends. We had a big bon fire and "slept" in the tent. Even though I did not get any sleep.. I think one hour.. . The stars where BEAUTIFUL .. you could see millions and millions and also the weather was SO nice that I did not even need blankets really! It was really fun and I was excited that I got to go camping!
-Then the next day.... I had to work ... 11-7 and I was SO tired and BORED! Saturdays are really slow.. so I ended up scrubbing all the cupboards, shelves, carts, and counters. Oh well at least it is clean for when state comes this month!
-I also worked today. I feel really bad working on Sunday.. because it is the Lord's day and it is the day of rest. Then I think... this is a job of necessity.. patients NEED to eat on Sundays... just like they need their doctors and nurses on Sunday. Or am I just trying to rationalize this and make it seem like it is alright when it really is not? I just hate it and it tears me up inside. I just can't wait until I get my real job and WON'T have to work on Sunday!!
- Also.. today I realized that I am going to be done with college when I am 24 years old... 24!!! That is so old... man. even though it is really not.. but think of all those years in school.. wow.
Posted by Rachel at 7:30 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Happy birthday Jonny!! Hope your day goes well.. sorry I could not spend it with you :) Hope your party is lots of fun!
LOve you lots!!!!
Posted by Rachel at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 04, 2007
SO cute!
I have the most adorable nephew in the world and I am the luckiest aunt alive!!
here is a movie .. that Sarah did not post because it was side ways.. but I love it!
However, I am not smart enough to know how to put the video on the actually blog so you will have to go to to see it!!
Check out that cute little boy!
Posted by Rachel at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
hrmm.. I dont know what to think
someone closed a door on my middle three fingers and smashed them very hard, then I scratched myself on a metal gate and made a big gash in my skin. ouch I am not doing very well today.
Then in class we were learning about ICU conditions in caring for patients. So with this we have to learn all the tubes and gadgets that are inserted into people to have a feel for what we are dealing with in that situation. I got so grossed out... like one of them went through the jugular vein and into the atrial in the heart of something and man.. BLAH!! If you don't know..I get so grossed out of veins.. can't look at them... really talk about them,, think about them?? I dunno what is wrong with me but I hope I get over this fast!!
Also at the nursing home one of the ladies died. I know this is a normal part of life.. but it is so sad because her room was right next to where i worked.. and I would always look in and wave at her. Then today her family came in to pick up some of her stuff and I was so sad to see them come in and just break down in tears. Then that got me to thinking.... how lonely would it be to die all alone. The said she died in her sleep but what happens if she was really awake and was really alone as she died. No one to hold her hand, no one to say good bye to , no one to share her last minutes on earth with? I dunno.. just a thought.. it just kinda made me sad today as I saw her family as they morned over her death.
What a different day..
Posted by Rachel at 7:34 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
why can't I sleep
it is almost 12
I have to get up at 4:50 to get to work
why can't I sleep???
HELP ME! There might be a grumpy Rachel tomorrow..
Posted by Rachel at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 01, 2007
Today is really pretty out side. It makes me feel happy.. Dordt has a football game and I am excited.. even though I can only go to half of it! Maybe they will win for once!
Posted by Rachel at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
So.. thats what it is like!
Here are some MINI pictures of the weekend ;) I had my phone on the wrong setting.. wHOOPS!
A sight never seen before.. both guys riding on the motorcycle????



Alright.. hopefully you did not get your magnifying glasses out to see these.. :D Hope you all had a GREAT weekend and relaxed a little bit!
Posted by Rachel at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Response to post a couple days ago
Hey! lots of people wondered who the post a couple of days ago was about .. and just to let you all know.. it was about no one who reads this blog. It has to so with someone I knew during my college years and has totally changed now that he is in the "real" world.
Hope you are all doing well!
hugs and kisses, -Rachel
Posted by Rachel at 9:22 PM 0 comments
I should be sleeping
During the nights that I work, it often gets rather lonely. I from 4-7 I work all by myself and sometimes the meals take only a few mins to prepare. So then I find my self scrubbing counters that I already scrubbed several times and the like... but also thinking a lot. ( which may not be good if I think too much!!) However a couple days ago this song came on the radio and I just connected with it. It is by Lonestar and is titles "Mountains"
The chorus goes:
There are times in life when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip an' fall
When you can't lean on no-one else:
That's when you find yourself
I've been around an' I've noticed that,
Walkin's easier when the road is flat
Them danged ol' hills'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains,
So we could learn how to climb
I just love this song now.. I dunno.. if you ever get the chance to listen to it you should.. here is a link for the video is the question of the day: .... If you have the brains of a genius however you liked doing something simple.. like painting houses.. will you be disobeying God by not using your gifts ( like instead being a business man or something) and not using your gifts to their full potential? Is it selfish to keep being a painter just because that is what you enjoy? ( This is not to ditch those painters who may read this:S )
Anyways, tomorrow I am going to Sioux falls with some friends to go shopping and to visit my friend Bryan Burgers. It should be a good time and I am really excited!! Then also my good friend Cody Ellens is in town so I got to hang out with him tonight. Good times :)
Oh ya .. thanks mom and dad for the cookies/rice krispie treats! Don't worry .. I have been sharing them with everyone!!
I should really go to bed... hopefully I do not get up in the morning and read this, finding out it does not make sense at all!!
Posted by Rachel at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
One thing i hate
You think you know someone really well.. then come to find out you are completely totally unbelievably wrong. Did they change or were they lying to you who they really were?
If I am every like that or two sided please tell me. I would hate to act like someone I really am not.
Thats about it for now, have a great day.
Posted by Rachel at 3:03 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
IN addition!
I have a really healthy heart. :D We were taking blood pressures for class and my partner took it a couple of times and it was so low that she thought she was wrong. Then we had a girl who takes blood pressures all the time take it and it was still 95/60 ( an average normal adult should be around 120/85) ! The teacher was amazed and asked me if I work out all the time and I was like .. umm noo.. but I just thought it was funny. Then we took pulse rates and mine again was super low.. 68. which is the same as my teacher who works out constantly.
I guess I just got a good heart !! ;)
Also.. i found out that when I graduate I have to pay $800 to get my licensing test as a PTA.. ahh!! Can you take out a loan for this?? Hopefully I pass it first time!
Posted by Rachel at 10:58 AM 2 comments
The story of the fire.
Last Thursday, I really wanted to have a bonfire and have smores. So I told a bunch of friends and planned something for Friday night. However, Friday night rolled along and it was time for the bonfire and I ended up not going to it.. after I bought stuff for smores. So I did not show up to my own party I planned.
Then yesterday, we had wafflefest.. to duplicate the wonderful tradition from my dad :D .. and to celebrate my roommates birthday. So I invited some of my friends over for waffles too. Then I decided it would be a sweet night for a bonfire.. but I don't have a bonfire pit. But I did know my roommate had a little bucket BBQ which I thought would make a great fire with some charcoal. So I had my sweet friend James go buy some charcoal for this amazing fire I was dreaming of. So we started the fire and after a while the coals got red... but no fire.. dumb me... So then some other people came over and started making fun of my so called fire.. and I think my neighbor felt bad and brought over some wood for the fire. So then.. Ta Da! I got my fire. However.... the tin BBQ was not such a good idea cuz the paint caught on fire and now it is kinda burnt. Whoops.. hopefully it can be replaced!!!
Here are some pictures of my fire.
Before... ya.. everyone was not too keen of my fire..YAY! Kari was excited we got it going!
Josh even enjoyed a smore.. with a ROASTED marshmallow!
A successful night!
Posted by Rachel at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Great weekend!
This weekend I went up with a couple other people to Minneapolis! One of my best friends, Shannon, and her husband Brian live up there.
It was fun to see her nice apartment and how they decorated it.. then we got to go on a long walk around one of the lakes in town and went shopping! However, most of the stuff I got was for my nephews birthday coming up in one month!!!
We also made a pumpkin pie which was soo good :)
Anyways.. we had such a good time together; I was so depressed to come back. I loved that city also, so I think it might be a possibility to move there some day! It was so nice to get out of this small town to somewhere different!
Oh ya.. I also go to stop at my FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WORLD.. that being Taco Bell :) yum yumy umy um !! Of course I forgot my camera... but maybe I will up load the pics from my phone !
Hope everyones weekend went well!!
Posted by Rachel at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
late is better than never!
This weekend was really fun. ( I know this post is a little late!)
I went to the corn maze.. AND MADE IT THOUGH .. thank you very much :) It was pretty fun! Then we went to the huge Iowa fair.. which was also pretty fun.. ( not as fun as the Puyallup fair..don't you worry!) But we went on a couple rides... and I made all my friends ( who are also mostly farmers:D ) go through all the animals and see all of them. (They were so thrilled..or not!) It was a good time though!Trying to kiss the little cow:) it was kinda gross~
The ride behind us was really scary... but really fun.. we had a good old time!
My friend Ashley and I trying out the neat dune buggies ( think that is what it was called???)
I had a man take this and he really did not know how to use cameras. He ended up cutting off the whole "Clay County fair" sign.. but oh well.. it was still a good time with good friends!
It was so cold this weekend though... :( I could not believe I was already pulling out my winter clothes!!
Anyways..this last weekend was a lot of fun.... and I have been meeting lots of new people like I said I would!!
This next weekend I am going to go visit my favorite Shannon and Brian in Minneapolis! They are going to show me around and it will be lots of fun! It will also be the first weekend in forever which I don't have to work.. so i am very excited about that to say the least.
K.. I am tired... working at 5:30 does that to you!! Today I also found out that one of my best friends at work is going to quit and work at a tractor part company ( A & I products for those who know what it is) I was very very very sad .... but oh well... we made the best of our last day at work together with a feast of ribs:D
Hope everyone is doing well... love you all :)
Posted by Rachel at 9:31 PM 1 comments