Thursday, November 08, 2007

stay beautiful

where in the world did my cold come from?? I am so stuffed up and I can not breathe. So to solve this problem I went to the NEW SUPER WALMART. The whole town of Sioux Center and every other surrounding town are there right now. It is pretty crazy how big of a deal this Walmart is! I also ran into so many people I knew there, so I figure if I ever get lonely I can go to Walmart and not only get my groceries but find several of my friends there ;) .

Yesterday my friends and I got together in Sanborn and played a great game. It SHOCKS you if you are the loser.. aka you are the slowest to push the button on your hand/game piece. So my friends decided to try to shock different parts of their body.. like their teeth.. feet... necks.. and man was it funny. You could actually see their veins twitching because the current was so strong!

Well, my life is pretty exciting right now. It is at the point where I can't wake up in the morning because I am SO excited for the next day! I won't go into any deals might be boring .. but it is pretty exciting!

Also! People have said my new nephew looks like me!!! thats either a good or a bad thing.. :)

Hope you are all doing well.. :)


Anonymous said...

Rach, just to let you know, Ehan is a real cutie! He is so small and delicate. I think you are going to love that little guy. MOM

Anonymous said...

by the way, check your's details not deals??