Sunday, January 09, 2011

Time for a new blog!

I have been using this blog since January of 2005 with almost 300 posts and I think it is about time to start a new blog. It is interesting to go though this blog as sort of a diary of my life for the last few years, many great times and some trying times, many things I have forgot about, and many fond memories. However now that I am married I started a new chapter in my life and now I have a new name so now the blog will be more appropriate to my life now:

Hopefully the blog will get better once I learn to use the wordpress blogging system and thanks to my brother in law for setting it up for me!!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New year!

Two post in one week, Im on a roll!
This was in the church bulletin this AM , thought it is a good refection for the new year:

" If you enter a prosperous year and receive all that your heart desires, yet lack God, it will be a disastrous year for you. It is better to be bowed under a cross with the Lord than to have a life of abundance without God. The important question, therefore is: Have you begun this year with God? Do you have the Lord as your God? If God's blessings depart and disappointments come, will you be alone? It is imperative that you understand that without God you really have nothing. This year, seek God before everything else. "

Anyways, speaking of blessings, Alex and I have been married one year today!!!
Hope you all have a good new year!