Every Sunday night after church Alex's family all goes to his mom and dad's house for snacks and it is a fun time to catch up and relax before the week starts.
Well yesterday morning his little 4 y/o nephew announced that he only had 3 kisses that day, his mom, his aunt Jewel, and me! So when he saw me that night he gave me a great big kiss on the cheek.. it was so cute :)
Monday, December 08, 2008
Wow .. two posts in a week!
Posted by Rachel at 9:48 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
What a Week
This week has been CRAZY
My carpool buddy ( driving) and I were leaving school after a long day of school, pulling out on the main road. The road is kinda hilly so I always look with the driving to see if anyone is coming before we pull out, and we both saw no one, so she started pulling out to turn left. All the sudden we see a motor cycle come out of nowhere, looking like he was going out of the control coming at us very fast. My carpool buddy tried to get out of the way, however the motor cycle tipped over and the driver flew off flying right into my friends car ( A HUGE BANG) and then on the street, while his motor cycle continued flying down the road about a hundred feet. I was the most terrified I have ever been in my life... afraid to climb out of the car and see the condition the man was in. I called 911 really fast and look a first look of the helmet less motorcyclist and it did not look good. A bunch of guys game really fast all dressed in black ( found out later they were all coming home from a friend who committed suicide's funeral) and they stated he probably was trying to do a wheelie or something crazy and lost control. I did not take a good look at his body but there was streams of blood flowing and a big gash out of his head, however he was moving his legs and was moaning. Well we had to stay at school for three and a half hours after while the SWAT team and other people took pictures of the accident and everything else they have to do. The guy was lucky and had no brain injuries but does have several other injuries and he was at fault for going at high speeds. It it SO hard to get it off my mind ....
Then this weekend we went to Minniapolis to visit Shannon and Brian. We went Christmas shopping at a mall and there was a man giving massages so I decided I was going to get one because my back was killing me. In middle of it I felt my nose running so I quick wiped it realizing it was bleeding!!! I did not want to stop the massage so I just hoped it would stop, which it kinda did. Then towards the end he started pounding on my back and it started bleeding really really BAD!! Blood was dripping and my sleeves were covered in blood! I felt so bad and I have no idea why it started bleeding.
Then we decided to go out for a nice dinner, so we all ordered our food and started eatting. I was already full by the time we go the food so I did not eat a lot of it, but I offered to give my friend Ashley some of it because her meal was small. I pulled something our that I thought was just a piece of chicken but then I realized it was a HUGE SHRIMP! EWWW I HATE FISH! I was SO disgusted and I it was pretty obvious to our waiter something was wrong. He felt so bad after I told him about my HUGE disgust for seafood and he immediately got me the right food, which I was too grossed out to eat any of it. I did get the meal free however that was SO GROSS!!!
Anyways, this week should be busy! Finals! I will talk to you all later!
Posted by Rachel at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
As a think about thanksgiving and all I have to be thankful for ....I realize I am a pretty lucky girl!
However yesterday I was really thankful for my work. It was my holiday to work so I just figured I was scheduled to work... so early this week I was shocked to find out that I was not scheduled. So I went around asking everyone who was working if they would like me to work for them. I figured everyone else has family and kids and I know how important it is for them to be with their loved ones on this holiday. It was not long until if found somewhere to work.
It was SO much fun waking the residents and telling them "Happy Thankgiving!!" and watched them surprised and say.." Oh! Its already that time of year!?!?!" It was just an awesome relaxing day... played some music and just was such a cheerful atmosphere! For dinner we made one huge table out of the square tables and had one huge family all together. It was just so fun.. I love those residents with my whole heart and I am glad I got to make up for the lack of family many of them have. I really wish I could post pictures up of our time together.. but that would probably be breaking some kinda HIPPA law so I refrained from doing so!
Then I got to to go Alex's family thanksgiving and stayed around for a few hours and tired to put a puzzle together! It was fun... his family is so kind to me and I am so thankful fo them.
Then to top the night Alex and I snuggled up on the couch and watched my most favorite movie, Love Actually. :)
It was a good thanksiving :) I have so much to be thankful for.
Posted by Rachel at 12:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Good time to post~!
It is a lazy Sunday afternoon and I love it!! This morning I went to church and came home and made the best scones ever. So I brought some to Judy and then to Alex. However, Alex was already down and out for his Sunday nap so I just left him instructions telling him how to make a scone. :)
This weekend was pretty fun, Friday working until 7 pm then went out for steaks with Alex and relaxed the rest of the night. Saturday I woke up to a white blanket of snow everywhere! I had a bridal shower for my friend, then a VERY short thanksgiving feast with one side of Alex's family ( he had to leave early to scoop snow), then went shopping with Judy to Sioux City ( just got two things... both for Alex :S ) then went to the town of Doon ( like 800 people live there). In Doon they had Bingo and the prizes were Turkeys and Hams! I won a turkey so I am going to make it up on Wednesday for a couple people and Alex and have a feast! I have to work Thanksgiving day so I will get to eat there with all my residents. I actually like spending the holidays with them because technically they are in the same boat as me.. with no family near by to spend the holidays with.. so we all get to spent it with each other.
Speaking of work it was really cute.... I was just putting my last resident to bed then the nurse told me that someone was coming to visit me.. and they thought it was my boyfriend. So I got really excited that Alex would come visit me at work so I ran out in the hall only to hear the door alarm going off. I searched for him for a minute then called him and asked him where he was. He said he set off two door alarms and got so nervous of turning off alarms every door he went out that he just picked up and ran out ! It was funny and sweet of him to try to come visit me!
Anyways... time for bed now.. :) hope everyoen has a good week!
Posted by Rachel at 2:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
life goes on...
Helloo all!
Life has been busy as usual!
Lately my time has been spent doing something exciting! Alex's house is a little out dated.... with wall paper everywhere, outdated light fixtures, and a lack of a nicely decorated living room. So we solved this the last couple weeks! We removed three rooms of wall paper, painted, and totally re-did his whole living room... getting new furniture, wall decorations, and curtains! It looks SO nice now!!! We have a couple touch ups in the bathroom then it will be done! We are then going to have a bunch of people over to check out the new house. The one thing I regret is that I did not take before pictures, however I will take a couple snap shots when it is all done! It was so much fun doing this with Alex :) It is amazing how well we get along and how easy it is to be with him, I just love him so much !
Anyways.. besides that... Work has been good.. a little crazy. Last week I really wish I did not work there. Basically a man with end stage congestive heart failure and renal failure decided to take himself to the bathroom and fell in the TINY bathroom. We could not get him up for the life of us ( he was really tall and about 300 lbs) .. and time was running out... his lips were turning blue. I was kneeling in front of him holding his trunk up with all my strength urging him to breath deep.. and by the time we got him up and in his chair by myself and three men, his eyes were rolling in the back of his head. He was full code... so we had to do all we could to revive him. I called 911, flagged in the EMTs and watched as they frantically shocked him and gave him CPR... even doing compressions as they ran out out the door. It was so unbelievably hard on us to see this.... and did not make for a good afternoon. He ended up dying that day :( Things like that make me sad to work at that nursing home, but also thankful that I know I did everything I could to make his last days good. I am not sure but I think I was the last person that man saw and talked to :(
Other than that.. it is getting cooler ... school is winding down and life is just awesome :) I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm!
Posted by Rachel at 12:08 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Death, death, all around
Hello All,
This past week has been full of death.... and bodies.
So on Sat. Alex and I decided to make a little road trip and so see the body exhibit in Watertown, SD. Alex knew that I have been wanting to see this for a VERY long time and it is ending on Friday. So we took his truck up 2 and a half hours to go it! It was SO very VERY awesome and I suggest everyone to go see it. They are actually real people, whose body parts have been through a process to make everything like plastic. It was fun to see all the muscles I had to memorize and quiz myself. Even Alex, who is not very into healthcare like I am, really liked it! What a good time both seeing that and spending time with my most awesome boyfriend :)
Then today I got to work and found out someone had died. I had no other choice but to be there and help put his body in the body bag. I had worked with this man quite a bit so it was so sad to see :( I don't know what it is.. but while someone is alive it is so easy to take care of them but it was so hard to see this man and his poor family.
I guess that is just part of life..... death is a natural process. The most important thing though is to be ready for it.. and realized it could happen at any time. We have to just trust in the Lord and live a Godly life.
Anyways... busy week at school and work.... picking up lots of hours so I can get some $$$ :)
Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Rachel at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hello all my faithful readers :)
So.. I am not so good about updating on my life. Someday when I have a big chunk of open time, with no homework, nothing in my house to clean, and no other distractions ( which will probably never happen) I would write my life story. But as for now you get the sweet and simple.
This last week my mom came to visit! I greatly enjoyed her stay and it was a lot of fun having her here with me and Diane in our apartment. She did a bunch of cooking for us, met Alex, and spend quality time with her daughters! I was glad that she could me Alex because I have no idea when he will get the time to get out to Washington. He just bought a new business, The Yard Man, and along with that comes snow removal in the winter. I was really sad when she left, I love my mom :)
Also, my nephew Patrick turned 4 on the 18th!! I can't beleive how big he is getting!! A funny little note also... Alex's brother in laws bday is on the same day as Patricks! It is funny because important dates in the life of my family often overlap so this was just a funny connection!
Work has been going well. The residents at the nursing home and I have a great time. I wish I had time to type out half the funny things that happen there. It is such a rewarding job and I love my residents... they keep me smiling and excited to go to work. This job really makes me wonder if I should focus on Geriatrics someday.... but we'll see.
I get a three day break from school this week, so I am just going to work long hours to try to put some money in my bank. I just finished clinicals at a local PT clinic here in Sioux Center. It was a lot of fun, but I really can't wait to be done and start doing stuff on my own ..... Other than that school is challenging. Neurology is the most frustrating class because it is hard for me to visualize the nerves and the spinal cord and figure out how it works. Muscles are easy... you can see them work and know which muscle is which by moving, but nerves are a pain! Trust me.. its hard to tell if it is C5 C6 C7 that innervates the thumb by just moving the thumb...
Other than that.... everything is good. I still love living with Diane... we have a good time together... that is when we actually get to see each other.... we work opposite hours!
Alex is really good! We now have been dating 6 months! Half a year.... and seriously it has been an awesome time. Its weird.. its amazing how well we get along and how well things go when we are together. I dunno how to explain it except that I think Alex as perfect as it gets almost! I don't think I really take the time to really mention much about Alex but I am very thankful for him and of course his family.
One last sad note....
There is this one lady at my nursing home, she is 98 but in perfect health condition.. is independent and still can walk unassisted. However, her husband and two of her three kids have since passed aways.. and her 3rd daughter had terrible cancer and passed away Tuesday. I first feel bad for this lady.... being so old yet perfect condition.. with all her closest loved ones gone already. Then her daughter had a husband and a 10 year old daughter that she left behind... who I am familiar with them all because they visit her every sunday. I can't imagine what that little ten year old girl is going through .... just lost her mother and now it is just her and her father. Makes me so thankful for my parents and that they are alive and healthy. My life would have been so different without one of my parents growing up and I am so thankful that I still have them in my life. ( However next year they will be pretty much absent from my life with all the trips they will be on! ;) )
Anyways... it's late and bed is calling. Hope everyone is doing well... and if you can please pray for the lady at my nursing home and her family. It is so hard on them and it is hard to see crying all day wondering why she has been given all these years, yet all her children died before they were very old.
Have a good week!
Posted by Rachel at 6:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 05, 2008
So... as you can tell..I have been REALLY bad at posting lately!
Life has been busy.. so i will just give the brief overview!
1. School has been going well! Since I stopped working nights I have had a lot more energy to focus on school! My class just went to the major Physician therapy conference three hours away in Council Bluffs. It was really fun staying at a hotel with 5 of my other class mates ( 3 of my classmates could not come) and learning about physical therapy. I went to the 12 hour course on Early mobilty in the ICU. It was VERY interesting! I learned about how important it is to start early PT on patients, the different diseases that cause weakness, and the different tubes and machines used in the ICU. I learned that the ICU is VERY complicated and something I would not want to do, but it was very interesting!
2. Saturday was Alex's birthday! I got him a really cool Ipod docking station, some clothes, and a book by Donald Trump he wanted. It was a good time.. we went out to eat and to a movie. By the way... did I every tell you all how awesome of a boyfriend I have...seriously.. he is AWESOME.
3. Other than that, life has been good. My mom is coming to visit on Saturday and that should be fun! Tomorrow is my brothers birthday... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONNY!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
My class out to eat at a really cool resturantUs being silly... looks like I lost my legs!!
Posted by Rachel at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hello All!
Wow... this week.. or month has been BUSY! Seriously... every morning I get up at 6 ( except for Tuesday night, were I worked the 11 pm to 11 am shift) and don't get to bed until about 11 to 12. I had 4 test this week while working 32 hours, and tried to get a bunch of other stuff done. Now I am worn out. I feel like I can go to sleep and sleep for the next 3 days. Well tomorrow I have off ( YES!!) so I am going to sleep in nice and long.
It is nice living with my sister ( if you wanna see awesome pics of our apt. go to her website dianefeucht.com ) She has done a lot of cleaning and cooking which has been awesome :)
She as also been the first one in the family that has met Alex. :) She likes him a lot but then again .. there is not much to not like. He has been awesome. Seriously.... we have been dating five months and I don't think that we have had any arguments... or been angry with each other. I know it is bond to happen someday.. but it is just perfect right now. He makes me smile and I am so thankful for Alex. I could not ask for much better :)
Alright... enough of all that... I got a couple quality pictures of me and alex ;)
Posted by Rachel at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
5 months!
Alex and I have been dating 5 months tomorrow, what great months they have been! I will write more later, for now Alex is going to make or take me out to eat! ;)
Posted by Rachel at 5:26 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Busy Week
Wow. Thats all I can say about the last week and a half! Here is a shortened version of my last couple days!
1. Had an AWESOME clinical in Washington. The therapist let me do so much and she trusted me to take her patients and do their rehab by myself. It was just a confidence booster to be able to do this and know that I could! I learned a lot in the 40 + hours I spent at Puyallup Valley Physical Therapy!
2. I came back to Iowa and the same HOUR I arrived I had to switch apartments. The two apartments are in the same house.. but it was just a big mix up and a long story .. but I had to move. Nothing was really packed and I really did not want to move.. but there were people waiting on me to move out so I could move in. So Alex got some of his guy friends and the all helped move me... needless to say my apt. is really messy and unorganized still, but it is actually a nicer apt. I moved into and cheaper!
3. I have had no time to unpack because I started school on Monday. I could already tell this is going to be a hard semester, but I think I can make it through. I don't know if I will be able to get my 4.0 GPA but I will try ;)
4. I also work a bunch still too! It's the best feeling when the residents still remember me and ask me how my vacation was and tell me they missed me. A lot of them have memory problems so it is pretty special when they remember you so that made me feel good. It is sad though.. one of my little residents has gone down hill so much since have been gone. She used to walk, but now she can't even stand. However, I am determined to get her back walking so I worked with her today and did get her to propel her own wheelchair with her feet and ( to the other CNAs surprise) got her to stand up and hold her self up. Hopefully by spending extra time with her I can get her back to where she was !
5. Diane is moving to live with me in IOWA!! I have to help find her a car here, but Alex has been so amazing helping me find her a car. Alex knows EVERYONE in town so when we went to the car dealers today they promised to help us find a good car in the price range Diane is looking in. It is just helpful to have a guy like Alex who help and goes out of their way to help. He even offered to let me drive his big truck if Diane needed to use my car for a while.. but ya... I don't think I would do well driving that big honker!
Anyways.. that's the long and short of it... hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Rachel at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Home sweet home
This week has been so busy so far! Home has been very good.... getting to see a lot of my nephews and family. On Thursday my dad, Diane, and I took off for a three day hike up to Rachel Lake. That morning I was not feeling to good .. however we we got about halfway up the mountain I was feeling miserable... and I started to throw up! So needless to say we all turned back and went home. Diane and my dad also ended up with the flu that night so it was not so much fun! The next morning I felt better so we decided to go to the beach with Sarah, Andrew, and the boys! It was so funny how the temperature went from 90* in Puyallup to 60* at the beach! It was pretty cold but it was a good time. I start full time clinicals tomorrow with a Physical therapy clinic in Puyallup. It should be a good time! Hope everyone is doing well!
Sam Sam and ISammy is the funniest kid I know. He was sicking his hands in his cup holders the whole walk around the lake!
Sammy giving little Ethan some love
Patrick and his bubble gun!
Family pictures are almost impossible with three little boys
Diane and Ethan having a grand old time!
Sammy really hated the cold water.. Sarah and I had to pull him out!
Patrick being really cute at Dairy Queen
Sammy was so sad when he would not get constant bites of ice cream !
Sarah and Sammy are cute
Brotherly love
Sammy is a cute boy!
Posted by Rachel at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm Home!! And I am really excited to spend time with my nephews and family!! Here are just a couple pics from my first day home!
Posted by Rachel at 11:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Happy Sunday everyone!
This morning I had to skip church in order to work ... so its 11 am and I have nothing to really do... SO you will get to hear about my somewhat interesting life....
This week has been busy... with work and other stuff... but it was good. This weekend was really fun ! Alex and I took his parents out to a really good steak house about 30 mins from Sioux Center. That was a good time. Then Sat. I went with some firemen and one of their wives to a firefighter water challenge about an hour away. It was fun to be in the sun and cheer Alex and the rest of the Sioux Center firefighters on. However, there was one instance in the final rounds that Alex won ( believe me.. i was right up there yelling to cheer him on ;) ) and they called it a tie and a re-do and the other team ended up winning... which made me really mad. I let it known that they made a bad call... but of course did not work :) But what amazed me was that Alex knew that he really won... but he did not make a big fuss out of it after it was called and done for. I asked him why he did not later and he said something that he would be seen for his good game than being a sore loser.... or something like that. it was really respectable that he did not make a big fuss out of something that really could not be changed.
Anyways.. my bed is calling.. hope everyone had a good weekend.. enjoy the sweet pictures!
Yea... that's Alex and IAlex and the new firefighter he is training... he did really well for his first water fights!
This is a really neat picture :)
So this is how it works.... There are 3 people on a team.. ( you cant see the 3rd in the pic) but the first guy aims the hose at the barrel and the guy behind him helps carry the hose ( which I think is really heavy) and the 3rd guy in the back helps prevent the hose from kinking and helps make it easier to move forward.. or backward. Then the first team to the the barrel on the other side wins.
You just gotta think a guy in uniform is good looking ;)
Posted by Rachel at 10:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hats off to some very important people today!
Today if a very important day!! Three very important bdays and the last day of my grandma Megyesi's life.
First, my grandma Megyesi was a model of someone who I aspire to be like. She was a wonderful woman who I miss greatly. I can't wait to see her in heaven again!
Second, it is my old college roommate, Laura's 23 birthday! I love Laura, she is one of the best listeners in the world and one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for! I love you Laura and hope you have a good bday!!
Third, it is my little sister Diane's 22 birthday! Diane is only 17 months younger than me so she has always been a good mate for me. We get along so well... well most of the time.. and I am so excited to see her when she gets back to Washington .. and possibly Iowa???Then there is little Sammy who turns 2 today! I love this little boy and miss him so much! I can't wait to see him in August! :) Look at him in these pictures... he was such a little runt!! He is still so very cute and I love him!!
Now look at him, getting so big!
Posted by Rachel at 9:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today I was feeling blah after work. It's super hot in my house, i am not feeling well, and it was a busy day at work. Then as I was slaving away over dishes, there was a knock on the door. It was Alex with something behind his back... 6 red roses! They are beautiful!!! He just brought them over for fun,, then had to run off to a meeting :) What an awesome guy
Posted by Rachel at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
"Embrace them, Don't waste them, for these are the days of our lives."
This week I was able to go up to Minnesota and go on a mini vacation! The families that were there have been going up there for eight years already, so it was very nice that I was able to join in on their vacation! It was a lot of fun, it was in a resort on a lake and we spent a lot of time boating, swimming, playing games, go karting, and having a good time relaxing.
We spend so much time on Alex's boat and in the water, it was AWESOME!! However, I caught the cold while I was there which is not fun now. :S I would have pictures but they are all on another camera!
However, I got to get rest, my head feels like it is going to explode!
Here is just one pic I took of Lindsey and Derrick. Behind them is the resort and big trampoline!!
Posted by Rachel at 11:58 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Changes, changes, changes
Wow, today was a crappy day at the nursing home! Literally! Everyone down my hall was under the weather and had diarrhea! I felt bad for them.. but it made for an interesting day... and i will leave it at that!
Today is the one year anniversary of my grandma's death and the 11th year anniversary of my grandpa's death. I can't believe how fast times flies by. It seemed like yesterday I was just at home and going to my good friend Jill's wedding. I was getting ready for a big move to Iowa.. and did not really know what was going to happen from there. God has really blessed me and shown himself through my life in the past year. If you asked me a year ago what my life would look like today.. it would not think it would look like how it is now! I am so thankful for all the good times I have been through as well as the struggles I have gone through. It has shaped me and molded me to be me :)
On another note....
I did another really Iowa thing.. I went to testicle festival... where they fry up cow balls and have a big town party over this. I came late so I did not get to see them or try it.. ( which I would have not anyways!) but it was really hickish-- right up there with the tractor pull!
Which I do have a couple pictures of...
Me, Judy, and Ashley taking in the tractors!What a handsome stud ;)
A little taste of the tractor pull.. I wish I got a better pic. What they do is have the tractors pull this cart and as they get further up the track the cart makes the weight shift closer to the tractor making it harder to pull.. or something like that... !
Posted by Rachel at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Yesterday I went to my first really Iowan event! The TRACTOR PULL! It was a rather hot evening but the wind picked up and it ended up being pretty nice! Some tractors had cool engines, like helicopter and jet engines, so they burned pure alcohol and that was neat ( AND LOUD!) . Other ones had fire coming out of them when they finished and other ones made SO much smoke ! It was a lot of fun!
Yesterday Alex and I have been dating 3 months! :) I am such a lucky girl... Alex is such an awesome guy. He is now gone the next week on vacation 4 hours away :( I am gunna miss him a lot!!! However on Friday I might drive up there and join him for the day and night then go to Minneapolis for a day to see Shannon.
Anyways.. I got to sleep.. busy day working today!
Posted by Rachel at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Updated from below
My little guy is alright! I went to go check on him the next morning and he was bandaged up on his arms.. he had 7 stitches and just has to take it easy with his hands for the next little while. He was actually more worried about me and told me that he really wanted to call me and tell me he was alright , but he did not know my phone number or last name!! He is such a cute little fellow.. I'm so glad he is alright!
Posted by Rachel at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 07, 2008
Terrible , terrible
Today I was taking one of my most favorite residents to group exercises.. which he was so excited for! ( I don't know if he actually likes them.. or just likes being with me because he has a little crush on me :S) I was walking by him, talking to him about dancing and such. He started showing me dance moves and just as I was telling him to wait to do the dance moves, he lost balance and fell backwards. I tried to catch him and help him down, but in the process he ended up getting a couple skin tears and bonking his head. His skin is like paper thin so they were pretty big and you can see his muscles and under his skin. He was alright, but I was mortified. I started bawling and I felt SO terrible. Technically there was nothing I really did wrong, but I felt SO bad. He had to go the emergency room to get stitches and checked out but he should be alright. I just get so sad when I think about it though :( I feel bad for the poor little guy.
Posted by Rachel at 9:21 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 06, 2008
"I like the sound of the gulf breeze blowing, Holding your hand, the sand on our feet"
This weekend was exciting! On the 3rd Alex had a big party in his newly re-done back yard. He invited a lot of people I did not know but I got to know them and we had a good time. I also then learned how to do flips on the trampoline ( both forward and backwards!!)... his niece taught me !
Then I worked the morning of the 4th. It's really encouraging because the other CNA's are getting told by the residents how much they like me!! It is just encouraging to know that I can make a difference in their lives.
Then that night I watched the fireworks with my lovely ex- roommate Lindsey and her new husband Matt. After that I went and slept outside on the trampoline with Alex's niece! It was a beautiful night and you could see the stars so clearly! I loved it!
Then on Sat. I went boating with Alex's whole family! It was a lot of fun.. lots of food and a lot of sun! We went tubing then I learned how to water ski. Granted it took me a couple times to get all the way up.. but Alex was in the water with me giving me some good coaching! One I got up I went for quite awhile until I got exhausted so I just let go!! It was SO relaxing .. and very fun :) His family is a lot of fun and I am getting more and more comfortable with them.
This is his youngest nephew, Bridger. He passed out right away when we got on the boat and he stayed asleep the whole wild ride!His two nieces, Keana and Micheala.. They are a lot of fun to hang be with!
Alex's sister and her son Karter. They are fun people!
The whole gang on this run of the boat. Alex was teaching his nephew Devon how to drive the boat... it was a little scary but we made it out alive!
The two girls turned into arabs... :)
Posted by Rachel at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
White paint
So.. I decided I am dating an awesome guy :) ( I knew it before.. but I am even more convinced !)
Alex has been doing some yard renovations and putting in a new fence and making his house look nice. So he has been busy pulling out bushes, powerwashing his house and deck, and doing a bunch of stuff. So I thought I would help him while he is really busy putting in his fence. He had me painting his window white and staining the wood around his deck.
So today his friend's wife, Beth, was helping me and I was so into talking to her I did not see where I was going and I backed into the paint can.. which HAD to be open and I knocked the whole thing over this brick porch! AH!!! Beth and I scooped up the paint with our hands and saved a lot.. but there was a HUGE white spot on his deck. I waited anxiously as the guys went to get him from the skid loader to see what his lovely girl had done. He just looked at it and laughed.... said there was no use getting mad at that..! He just is going to powerwash his deck again to get it off! He could have gotten mad at the situation.... but he is awesome :) .
It was pretty funny.. all the other guys there had a good laugh! Thank goodness Alex is such an easy going guy and does not get angry easy!!
So anyone want me to do some home painting for them???
Posted by Rachel at 12:39 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Weekend fun !
Wow.. what a weekend!!!
On Friday Alex and I took his two nieces and one of his nephews out to eat and then to the circus in Sioux Center! It was fun.. the circus was a little weird.. but then afterwards me and his two nieces all rode the elephant together! :) IT was a good time and fun with the little nieces!
Then the next day we finally got to take out the boat! WE went with his good friend Damon and his wife Beth! It was a lot of fun.. really relaxing... caught some sun! I can't complain a bit :)
Hope you all had a good weekend!
After a nice steak dinner, taking a walk by the lake!
Damon and Beth lounging out :)Us hanging out in the back
I got ten toes up and nothing to complain about
Crazy alex :)
Posted by Rachel at 3:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
My Life..
My life is CRAZY! However, I love it. Now that I am a "super CNA" ( Thats what the other workers call me at the nursing home because I passed the test without taking the CNA class) .. I realized how much work it is to take care of someone. The smells, the views, the other side of people that you lucky people don't have to see... often make me wonder what the heck I am doing. But then I think... some day this might be my parents or even me and I want someone giving me the same care that I give these people. It puts a whole new spin on care taking.... so I don't complain when someone is wet and I have to change them... or they puke all over the nice shirt I just struggled to put on them. They often apologize for needing to be changed and not being able to take care of themselves.. and I just look at them and tell them it is my pleasure to be able to work with them. So often I see people jerking people around to get them done fast.. and it makes me sad to see this. I want to work my hardest to show the residents in the nursing home the same love I hope people showed my grandma and my other loved ones who may have to be in a nursing home. Trust me... I am also no perfect... I do cringe sometimes when I finally get to sit down and someone HAS to pull their light ... but oh well its my job!
ANOTHER WEIRD THING!! I met someone who went to school with my GRANDPA!!! He knew all million kids that were in my gpa's family! Just made me laugh because I really never think that I do have roots in Iowa... but this is just proof again of my humble roots in the northwest Iowa area!
Other than that.... life has been good. Tonight I get to go to a Sioux Center Commerce banquet with Alex.. which should be fun. I guess they are going to serve really good food so I am excited about that! Its funny.. Alex told me about the Steak frys that the Sioux Center firemen put on for the fire fighters and their families... and now they decided to have one soon called the "meet Alex's girlfriend Steak fry!" That should be fun... kinda fun meeting a whole new group of people and having such a special occasion kinda dedicated to me :S
The weather has been really nice... we are not drowning here in Iowa like the news might portray.. and thankfully no tornadoes have hit! I do get a little scared without a TV to get the updated weather announcements if bad weather is on its way.. however all my friends promised to call me and tell me to get in the basement if need be!
Posted by Rachel at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Sioux Center Days
This weekend was the Sioux Center weekend .. or something. So on Friday night was cruise night so Alex and I got to go in front of the fire station and watch all the fancy cars cruise on Main Street. Then we were able to go ride on the fancy old fashioned fire truck, which was exciting. Now that I am dating a fireman, the other firemen make sure to give us grief.. but it is fun :)
Then Saturday I went with Alex's family to see the firemen water fights! Alex one first place in one event and 4th in another.. he is pretty amazing ;) Then we were in the parade and I helped hand out magnets for his business. Afterwards he took me out to the Blue Mountain in Orange City.. for an AMAZING meal outside :) It was fun to be able to spend the day with his family and his little nieces and nephews.
Posted by Rachel at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Busy busy busy week!
Hello All :)
Hope everyone is doing well! This week has been a REALLY busy week for me... I quit one job, started another, had several friends fly to town early for a wedding and stay with me, moved from one house to another, passed the CNA exam and became a CNA, and went to one of my friend's wedding! It was terribly busy and my house is a MESS, however I am thankful for all the help I received from my friends and Alex in this move! While I was at work Pam would work hard organizing the down stairs of my house so I would have a little bit of a normal place to live. Thank goodness for Alex's big truck which was able to outdo little Lucy's carrying abilities!
My new job is AWESOME!!!! I get to start the restorative program for the residents so I was able to go with their care plans and visit everyone and evaluate them and the current exercise program they are on and if it is being carried out correctly. I did not make it through all the 60 some residents of the nursing home, but I greatly enjoy taking the time and talking to them. I tell them about my self and the importance of exercise for the elderly and tell them how much fun we are going to have with our one on one exercise sessions. Then I learn about them, what they like to do, who they are, and just random things! Seriously, I don't think I should be paid for this because it is so much fun and I love it!
Well tonight is my first 11 pm- 7am CNA shift. I am a little bit nervous that I am going to be dead tired.. but I plan on drinking lots of coffee and taking a nap before I go out. It won't be too bad I hope!! I also passed the CNA exam without taking the 75 hour course... and just studying for 3 hours!!!!!! I was SO excited!!
Things with Mr. Alex are good :) He makes me smile so much. Yesterday we finally got to see each other without a huge crowd of people and when he went home my cheeks hurt from smiling too much :) I don't know if I mentioned that I met his family last Sunday~ they are very nice people! I realized that one of his cousins are realized to my Aunt Emma Gerber! When we started making these connections I was a little worried I would find out that we where related, and thankfully we are not!!!!! It was good to meet them, family is an important part of a relationship and I think that I can get along with them quite well :)
My friend Lynae got married this weekend. It was a pretty wedding, got to see some old friends and it was good. We all stayed at this camping resort and stayed in a 11 person hotel room. It was fun... good bonding time with the girls :)
We all went put put golfing on Memorial day , while we were waiting for Laura to come in . It was a lot of fun.. we all are bad golfers so it made everything in good fun :) Waiting for Laura... Alex is special so he gets the wheelchair... :)
First meal in the new house... note.. no chairs!!!! AHHHH
My girls :)
All my friends doing the signature "Rachel dance" :)
Posted by Rachel at 9:40 AM 4 comments