Monday, October 27, 2008

Death, death, all around

Hello All,
This past week has been full of death.... and bodies.

So on Sat. Alex and I decided to make a little road trip and so see the body exhibit in Watertown, SD. Alex knew that I have been wanting to see this for a VERY long time and it is ending on Friday. So we took his truck up 2 and a half hours to go it! It was SO very VERY awesome and I suggest everyone to go see it. They are actually real people, whose body parts have been through a process to make everything like plastic. It was fun to see all the muscles I had to memorize and quiz myself. Even Alex, who is not very into healthcare like I am, really liked it! What a good time both seeing that and spending time with my most awesome boyfriend :)

Then today I got to work and found out someone had died. I had no other choice but to be there and help put his body in the body bag. I had worked with this man quite a bit so it was so sad to see :( I don't know what it is.. but while someone is alive it is so easy to take care of them but it was so hard to see this man and his poor family.

I guess that is just part of life..... death is a natural process. The most important thing though is to be ready for it.. and realized it could happen at any time. We have to just trust in the Lord and live a Godly life.

Anyways... busy week at school and work.... picking up lots of hours so I can get some $$$ :)

Hope everyone is doing well!


Janelle said...

ooohh they have a similar body exhibit out here that's SO expensive to go to, like 30 bucks. Sounds educational though!

Anonymous said...

kinda creepy--------MOM

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOHHHH Rachel, that is SOOOOOO unlike you to go see a Grooooooossss exhibit like that. Don't you think that it is inappropriate to display real human bodies like that? What if they took your body and skinned it, pickled it, and then put it on display for the world to see? Nooooottt coooooolllll. Sooooo, tell your friends not to go.