Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good time to post~!

It is a lazy Sunday afternoon and I love it!! This morning I went to church and came home and made the best scones ever. So I brought some to Judy and then to Alex. However, Alex was already down and out for his Sunday nap so I just left him instructions telling him how to make a scone. :)

This weekend was pretty fun, Friday working until 7 pm then went out for steaks with Alex and relaxed the rest of the night. Saturday I woke up to a white blanket of snow everywhere! I had a bridal shower for my friend, then a VERY short thanksgiving feast with one side of Alex's family ( he had to leave early to scoop snow), then went shopping with Judy to Sioux City ( just got two things... both for Alex :S ) then went to the town of Doon ( like 800 people live there). In Doon they had Bingo and the prizes were Turkeys and Hams! I won a turkey so I am going to make it up on Wednesday for a couple people and Alex and have a feast! I have to work Thanksgiving day so I will get to eat there with all my residents. I actually like spending the holidays with them because technically they are in the same boat as me.. with no family near by to spend the holidays with.. so we all get to spent it with each other.

Speaking of work it was really cute.... I was just putting my last resident to bed then the nurse told me that someone was coming to visit me.. and they thought it was my boyfriend. So I got really excited that Alex would come visit me at work so I ran out in the hall only to hear the door alarm going off. I searched for him for a minute then called him and asked him where he was. He said he set off two door alarms and got so nervous of turning off alarms every door he went out that he just picked up and ran out ! It was funny and sweet of him to try to come visit me!

Anyways... time for bed now.. :) hope everyoen has a good week!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Rachel;
Mom and I won't do a surprise visit.