Monday, July 07, 2008

Terrible , terrible

Today I was taking one of my most favorite residents to group exercises.. which he was so excited for! ( I don't know if he actually likes them.. or just likes being with me because he has a little crush on me :S) I was walking by him, talking to him about dancing and such. He started showing me dance moves and just as I was telling him to wait to do the dance moves, he lost balance and fell backwards. I tried to catch him and help him down, but in the process he ended up getting a couple skin tears and bonking his head. His skin is like paper thin so they were pretty big and you can see his muscles and under his skin. He was alright, but I was mortified. I started bawling and I felt SO terrible. Technically there was nothing I really did wrong, but I felt SO bad. He had to go the emergency room to get stitches and checked out but he should be alright. I just get so sad when I think about it though :( I feel bad for the poor little guy.


Sarah said...

I am sorry that happened to you Dolly. I am glad that he is doing okay.

Anonymous said...

hi rachel, it is me ... mom I did the last post not sarah. someone is using my computer...:P