Sunday, September 09, 2007

No time to breathe

My life is CRAZY. Seriously. I got to school, work , sleep, and socialize on the side..... Sometimes I think I am going to burn myself out. Oh well.. I am starting to really like the people I work with.. they are a lot of fun. One girl I worked with today.. before I knew who she was.. tired to hook me up with her brother.. then I asked her who her brother was.. come to find out that he brother is a good friend of mine! It was kinda funny.. now we just joke about it! I have also met some other people from different parts of the hospital who are fun to hang out with!

Today I actually did have a relaxing day! I only had class from 9-11 then no work for once!

At school the class was on values and ethics. It was so interesting to hear this lecture from a NON Christian perspective. At Dordt and in high school this lecture is especially grounded from a Biblical perspective. I can't explain it well but it is so weird to hear this lecture with no mention of God or the Bible in the "Christian" way of approaching people and treating them. It kind of challenges me to think what are my values and how they should shape my life.

I also had time and visited my babies at the daycare! They are getting SO BIG!! I could barely recognize them! They have no clue who I am but they still came over and plopped in my lap and had me read them a story. :D
My old boss gave my name to a lady who just moved to Sioux Center with her husband and two little boys to help take care of her dad.. but then her dad just passed away - leaving them here knowing nobody! So I offered to babysit their little kids ( like 3 years old and a baby). That should be fun.. I miss little kids!

I also did 5 loads of laundry today. It was pretty bad. I hardly have time to do it, so now that I had a day off.. I did everything! It was fun.. now my room is all clean again!

Also today was a VERY SAD DAY. Shannon and Brian moved away to Minneapolis. I was secretly hoping they would not find an apartment.. but God had other plans for them than I did. However!!!! Me and and Brian's sister Kara are going to drive up there the weekend of the 22nd to visit! So that will be fun.

Anyways.. no pictures for now... I have to start pulling out that camera more! Or actually just unloading pictures from it :)

Hope everyone is doing well!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the report. Don't work to hard. Looking forward to seeing you. MOM