Tuesday, August 21, 2007


This is my 100th post!

The weather in Iowa has been pretty bad.. and last night there was a lightening storm unlike any that I have ever seen before!! The sky was constantly lighting up and it was really neat! I got some pictures! It also really scares me.... partly because of my car.. I don't want it to get hurt in the storm if there was hail and partly because we have that huge radio tower which is just asking to get struck by lightening.

Hopefully all this bad weather goes away!!


Anonymous said...

So... you may have a lightning rod in your backyard?? I hope that radio station antenna doesn't attract lightning. Do you have a basement to go to just in case there is a tornado??

Sarah said...

Those are cool pictures. You could try getting a cover to put over the car if you're worried about hail hitting it. I don't know if it would help or not, but might be something to look into :o).

Love you!!!

Kyle said...

Hey, Lori and I drove through that storm! It was crazy! We had to pull over and stop because we couldn't see anything. Cool pictures.