Monday, August 06, 2007

6 months and 4 days

Tonight me and Josh broke up. It was just the wrong time in our lives to be dating and this is how it ended up (on good terms... don't think we despise each other now). It stinks and I still think a lot of him, but if this is Gods plan for our lives, let it be that way. A hymn states: "Behind every frowning providence, God hides a smiling face." For me it is hard, almost impossible for me to see that smile but I know it is there and I know my whole life is portioned out for me in his plan. To his family, thanks for being the best and hopefully our lives cross paths again, but I will miss you.
Pray for us as this time is naturally hard for the both of us.


Kyle said...

Rachel, we're so sorry to hear that. We will miss you too - you are such a sweet young woman. We hope to see you in the future, but if not, we'll keep in touch through your blog. Best wishes to you.