Saturday, May 19, 2007


Today I have been having weird feelings about things…

1. While I was doing my hair this morning I was thinking about what I needed to do, and was asking myself what sort of homework I needed to do. Then I realized I AM OUT OF SCHOOL! It was such a great feeling. Well, I guess I am not out for a long time... come August I will be back in class, but it will be classes I am very interested in, since it will all deal with physical therapy.

2. While I was driving to my parent’s house, I realized I am not scared of driving anymore!!! I could not believe it! Driving is kinda fun and I now do not dread having to drive places anymore. For all who did not know about my little fear, ever since I learned how to drive, I've hated it. I would be in tears when my dad would make me drive with him when I was learning. Then it became even worse when I got into a minor car accident when someone rear ended me on the freeway. Ever since then, I have only driven a couple times at home and few times at school. When I get my own car in Iowa, I think it is going to be fun.. not as much traffic and I'll have my OWN car!

3. I am looking to move back to Iowa soon, so I was looking for airline tickets. It was SO weird pressing the one-way button, knowing that I do not have a set time to come back. I will miss my family a lot :( too bad Iowa and Washington were not closer. Mom and Dad? Want to move to Iowa?? please!!!!

Well that's about it for now. I am still watching the King boys. They are very good so I don't have to do too much!
Hope you all are doing well!


Anonymous said...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5+ 6. A great verse to think about when planning for the future. Love you much Rach, MOM