Friday, February 15, 2008

My Valentine

I had one of the best V- day dates ever! It first started off with a game of getting chased by the cops, then a romantic date of mac and cheese and apple slices, followed by a fancy dessert of delicious cookies, then we went and fed some hungry hungry hippos, then did some fishing! We cuddled together watching a movie then after that he told me HE LOVED ME! and got a big good night hug and kiss before bed. Then I got paid a lot of money and went home ;)!

( BTW if you can;t figure it out my little date was a 3 year old I babysat ;) )


Sarah said...

Ok, I got a little worried when I first started reading this, wondering what type of guy you were "dating"!!! Glad you had a good V-day, Rach! Love you!!!!

Josh Fey said...

the mac and cheese and apple slices weren't mixed together were they? because that sounds aweful

Rachel said...

haha-- no no josh.. they were def. separate! that would otherwise be really gross... i agree