Have you had a day where you picture everything to turn out bad.. but then it ends up really good!!! Thats how my day was.
It started off with class today. We were getting major tests back that we took and i thought I did pretty bad ... and the teachers stated there where very upset with our class as a whole on the test scores. I was really nervous... and felt as the teachers were talking directly to me... So me.. of course not quiet at all in the back row.. announces.. "ahh I don't want my test.. I did SO SO SO bad. "
Then my teacher gets to me ... I take a deep breath as she exclaims " Little Miss quiet back her did really well on her test! " I was SO shocked!!! I only missed two! Then the rest of the class hated me.. oh well!
Then!!! I got another job maybe...I am going to start being a part time receptionist at the hospital Physical therapy place that I am doing my clinical at!!! It is just a foot in the door working with PT.... but the thing that really stinks is that I am not going to stay here in order to possibly try to get a job at the hospital!!
Also... what else is new? What is up with EVERYONE wanting to hook me up???? Am I getting that OLD??? There is this one man at work who wants to hook me up with his co business owner and then a couple other people want to hook me up with some of their friends. Just scares me though.. because I did go on a blind date with this one guy and a couple of dates after.. but I ended up calling it off when he asked me to be his girlfriend ( heart breaker I know). I just can't be in a relationship right now... but then I think.. what happens if I turn down a opportunity that could have worked???
Alright.. thats enough, I will be quiet. Ohhh one more thing!!! With all my bday money I bought a Ipod nano! A new fitness place is coming opening in Sioux Center and I can't wait to get a membership and whip this body into shape, but the Ipod was just a start in the preparation stage of working out..
Alright.. good night and have a good weekend!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Good day...!
Posted by Rachel at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
"Life is not counted by the amount of breaths you take.. but by the times life takes your breath away"
WOw, I am truly blessed. From all the nice emails, comments, and mail that I received this week for my bday.. I could not help but feel the love from all my friends and family. Thank you everyone for the bday wishes!
So I was reflecting on my 22nd year of life. There have been a LOT of good times.. and man.. a lot of stuff I regret!!!!! I did a lot of growing up.. and have a lot of that to do yet. SO.. I guess pictures are worth a million words.. so here are some to sum up this crazy year!! Thank you to EVERYONE who played a part in my life. God has really blessed me and made me realize how much I have been given. My heart overflows in thankfulness and love because of this.
Now here are the pictures!
My 22nd birthday! So happy to spend it with all my friends!A cold winter.. had a HUGE storm! I will never forget.. me and Josh just took off to Walmart in the middle of the storm and barely made it there! Then they next day?? We went to Lincoln with his parents and we saw more than 100 cars in the ditch and it took a LONG time to get there. However, it was really fun and such a good memory.
Spring break Josh and I went to Washington where he got to meet Patrick and Sammy! There we we were the first to find out about Ethan! What an exciting time!
This was one of my favorite because the background with Patrick :)
I got to meet Josh's really adorable nephew Caleb. It was really fun getting to know his family and go to Lincoln to meet his brother Kyle and Lori ( and Caleb of course! )
I worked at the day care in Sioux Center. I loved every min of it. I still go by and see the kids who don't remember me anymore!
Camping.. I JUST LOVE IT! I finally got to sleep in my new tent. It was good times with my girls at Dordt.Going out with the girls. This time we were celebrating Jill's engagement.. but I have no idea where she was in this pic. This was also a big day.. My dad called me right before that pictures was taken and told me he wanted to come home for a while during that summer... which was a really hard decision to make. However, I did go home for that summer.. which was really good.
My girls and I took some nice photos before we graduated. This is my favorite. I really hope to blow it up and frame it someday. It's weird to think that we all have moved on and probably will ever all be all together again.
Bowling. I did A LOT OF THAT. I never got any better either!!!! I took a bowling class and bowled quite a bit. I guess it never was my thing.. but I did always have a good time while doing it!
Then I graduated from Dordt! Whoo HOO!!WE all made it :)
Then I came home to Washington... it was weird being home but it was nice to be back for such a long time. There is never a dull moment in the Feucht household!
I worked at a Urology and my dad's office. I love it there, the people where fun and the work was also somewhat interesting. If anything.. learned A LOT about urology ( more than I really wanted to know!!) And it was really nice to see my dad a whole lot!! I also got to see him preform a surgery for the first time~
Then something serious happened. My dad had some heart problems and really made me realize that my parents are not as invincible as I had previously thought. It really made me thankful for my parents even more than I had already been. I am really glad my father is doing well and sounds like it was a wake up call for him and now he is in good health!!!
I saw my last grandparent for the last time. My crazy little Grandma Feucht, I really loved her and she is missed.
She passed away while I was at my friend Jill's wedding. I was honored to be one of her bridesmaids. She was a beautiful bride and it was a lovely wedding.. even though I cried through it ..don't know why weddings do that to me!
Then on the other hand, my wedding money was spent on a car :) My little Lucy.... ain't she a beauty ??? An NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS! ( Hopefully that goes for a couple more years !! ;) )
Then I traveled to Edmonton, Canada for Shannon's wedding! It was really fun being there for a week before the wedding.. getting to be part of her family. I also got to stay with her husband's family ( Brian Bouma ) for a couple weeks before the wedding, so I was not homeless in Sioux Center! It was such a good time that would be cherished forever!
Then Nov. 1 a little blessing came into our lives! Ethan Andrew Flanagan was born :) I love the little guy and I can't wait to see him grow up!
My little sister was also in Iowa for the first part of the year. I love her so much and I am sad she is in Germany:( LOVE YOU DIANE!!!
I also still have friends in IoWA! WOW! I have fun hang out with old friends as well as making new friends!
Old friends have came to visit me! I love it... and I am so glad that we all have still kept in contact!
I also love work! This is Kathy.. not a good pic.. but I love hanging out with her so much! We have the best times together! I also love working at the nursing home.. it is making me realize that maybe someday I would want to specialize in geriatrics?????
And Iowa is still a cold icebox. This is my neighborhood... which tends to be a lot more snowy and more drifts than the rest of the town. I hope the rest of Sioux Center is thankful for this because we take the grunt of the wind to protect them from it!!!
However, I am still a little crazy and love to have a good time. :)
Hopefully, 23 will be a good year!!!
Anyways.. it is getting really late and I did not get much sleep this weekend. I hope everyone is doing well! I will post pictures of the weekend up later! And again.. thank you everyone who has played a part in my life!!
Posted by Rachel at 9:04 PM 131 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
So tired
Wow,,, the last week has been so BUSY it seems as if I can't stop to take a breath! This weekend one of my bestest friends, PAM, from college came over from canada to visit! WE did a lot of stuff... like bowling, hanging out, went to my friends Dave's sweet house, went to a neat church, we made a nice dinner together, and had a birthday party for me and Judy!
Tomorrow I have a HUGE test and I am SO nervous!! I guess it is worst because I feel like I have not studied enough.. but there is SO much to know about the shoulder joint. Tomorrow is also my 23rd birthday.. I am getting too old. However a guy in my classs is going to bring a treat for me and the class! Lets see if he remembers!
Today I also did something stupid. I had clinicals today and I guess I was just ina hurry to get to them that I forgot to turn off my car lights!!!! SO then... one of the coldest days of the year (-20*). Good thing I am friends with a lot of men at work.. and they were all willing to jump my little Lucy for me.. however.. now I won't hear the end of it!
Anyways.. I also built a snow cave with Pam.. and I still have to work on it. Dad , are you proud of me??? :D
Posted by Rachel at 7:16 PM 5 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
My Valentine
I had one of the best V- day dates ever! It first started off with a game of getting chased by the cops, then a romantic date of mac and cheese and apple slices, followed by a fancy dessert of delicious cookies, then we went and fed some hungry hungry hippos, then did some fishing! We cuddled together watching a movie then after that he told me HE LOVED ME! and got a big good night hug and kiss before bed. Then I got paid a lot of money and went home ;)!
( BTW if you can;t figure it out my little date was a 3 year old I babysat ;) )
Posted by Rachel at 12:20 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Alright,, i might be a nerd but today was SO awesome!!! At school we have been learning about the rotator cuff and rehab of it. AND GUESS WHO THE FIRST PATIENT OF THE DAY WAS_ A ROTATOR CUFF REPAIR EVALUATION ( two weeks out of surgery... first day of PT) !! It was SO interesting... because with a rotator cuff right out of surgery you don't want to have the patient actively move the muscle... because that could lead to tears in the newly fixed muscles and ligaments. However, the PT or PTA has to do passive range of motion (moving the relaxed arm for the the patient) to help from getting a frozen shoulder. It was very interesting to read the patients surgery report and see what was repaired ( the supraspinantus and the bicipital tendon of the long head of the biceps) and trying to figure out which actions the PT should try to avoid to further harm the muscles ( in this case it was a couple different motions) .
Ok..I am sorrry.. my inner-nerd is coming out but I just LOVE IT!! I love seeing in action what I am learning and I think this is the most awesome field in the world. God has been SO good to me to help me find something that I love!!!!!!!
Also .. tomorrow I get to spend v-day with a very adorable boy. I will tell you all about it tomorrow or someday soon :)
Posted by Rachel at 10:45 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Alright.. before bed I have three pieces of random info
1. School is getting HARD!! The teachers say that we should think of this school as our job.. and every moment we get we should be studying. At first I thought this did not include me.. but now i realize I have to study a lot. We are learning SO much and it is overwhelming. However, it is fun... and it is often easy to find people to palpate... and practice on.
2. I start clinicals tomorrow!! They will be just 4 hours every Wed. starting in Sioux Center, then in 5 weeks they will then be in Worthington, MN.. which is a little further away ;) I am excited.. and I hope I can start doing more stuff... but we'll see. I know the PT very well that I am under so it won't be that bad. However... we'll see what tomorrow brings!!
3. PAM IS COMING FROM CANADA TO VISIT THIS WEEKEND!!! I am so excited to see her!!! I feel bad that I am going to be really busy when she is here but it will be good to see her!
Well .. there is much more I can say but that's enough for now... I gotta get my beauty sleep ;)
Posted by Rachel at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
The most sad face Ever
Alright, here is the movie I promised long ago! IT is so cute.. and right before this picture was taken Ethan was giving us HUGE smiles!
Also here are the pics of my new bed sheets with the three pictures I need to hang above the wall.. not the best picture. The other picture is of my angel collection ( which Shannon just gave me the one on the right!)
Also, if you look at the pictures behind my angels you may think that since there are 5 different pictures of Patrick and no pictures of my other two nephew, that Patrick is my favorite. However, yesterday I realized they were all of Patrick so I printed off a cute pictures of all my nephews and put them in each of those three frames!
Posted by Rachel at 5:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Dear Mother, I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I love you so much and I am so thankful for you! I will call you after school today :)
Posted by Rachel at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 04, 2008
Weekend fun!
My weekend was SO much fun! It was great to see Shannon again and get away from this small town! WE did a bunch of things, like visit wit Brian's sisters, hang out in her apartments, went swimming in her apartment, went to go see what a huge casino by her house was like, and went to Ikea!
Here are a couple pictures!
This bed at Ikea is AMAZING!! It is a round sultan bed.. and I just fell in love with it!Oh wow.. what hot beach babes? OR NOT!! WE got to enjoy the sauna at her apartment complex and it felt soooo good!!
We had to have our girl time and kick Brian out ( expect to take this picture!) It was nice to catch up and find out new things about each other!
Me and Ashley relaxing!
Oh the pool again! We went a little crazy??? Thats what happens when you have goggles and the whole pool to yourself!
Walking home was cold though.. the few mins in the freezing weather really got to us.. so we just made some turbans for ourselves. Ashely was really colorful!
Rachels little sheep.. haha.. a sheep skin sold at Ikea! IT was SO soft.. but a little creepy.
Also! At Ikea I got a new cover for my down conforter and new sheets for my bed! I have to take a picture of my room to show everyone.. but first I am going to hang some pictures up and clean up my mess! It is SO pretty now and I am so excited for my "new" bed!!
Posted by Rachel at 4:19 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Gotta get out of this old town!
I am going to Minneapolis today to visit Shannon! I can't wait to see her and Brian.. then I am going to look to see if she has any physical therapy places that accept student PTA for clinicals. WE have to do a one week clinical at one place and I thought it would be fun to do it somewhere else! If anyone else out there wants me to stay with them for a week tell me and maybe I can do them where you live!!
Anyways, hope everyone is having a great day and good weekend! Love you all LOTS!
Posted by Rachel at 8:02 AM 10 comments