Sunday, January 27, 2008

It all works out in the end

Tonight roommate number two got engaged! It was really exciting because I had a bet that she was going to get engaged before Feb. 1 and sure enough they did!

It is so weird.. having all my friends getting engaged, married, and some are now even having babies. In my high school, my silly little plan for my life was that I was supposed to be married by the time I was 23 ( which will be next month!!) Don't get me wrong, I am SO glad how my life is now and I would not change it for anything, but its hard not to get jealous when you see the joy in the couples eyes as they excitingly tell us their story and see so much joy and excitement to spend the rest of their lives together. Then my other roommate is planning her wedding for June 14 and we like to talk about her wedding and her future plans with Matt. I just get envious of them... I know I should not ..but it's just hard when you are so submerged in it. However, I know that I am where God wants me to be in life and I am so thankful for my life and how God has planned it for me.


Anonymous said...

i guess this defn means your going to need an roommate after summer:)

Kathlyn D said...

I am loving your blog.
miss you!