Thursday, March 29, 2007

What a life I live

I am sorry I have not written in such a long time. It has been a busy week since I have been back to school. I had two different tests and a big physics assignment. I did well on both my tests and finished my physics homework. Now it is finally time for my busy weekend.

However, I will give you my spin on spring break.. not that Josh's wasn't good enough, but maybe you would like to hear my side about how my family scared him and how he is never coming back! (Not really, though, just trying to add an interesting twist!!)

I am sorry, but I am not going to go over the whole trip (since it might bore you a little bit) but I will go over my highlights :)

1. Traveling on the airplane with Josh. At first we did not get tickets sitting together but we were able to work it out so that we got to sit together on all our flights (even getting free upgrades on our seats to a higher class!!) Even though flying is not the most fun thing, it was fun having Josh there with me. It was nice to have someone to keep me company when the airlines messed up our flights and during the super long fights!

2. Having him meet the whole family. Family is important to me so I am glad he liked them.... I would not know what to do if he did not :( They also really liked him, which I had NO doubt about!!

3. Getting to see my two nephews! I got to see a side of Josh I never really saw before... him with kids. I have seen him with Caleb but Caleb is still so young (two months old), so Josh really can't play so much with him. Josh was always sitting down with the boys and making them laugh. They just LOVED him!!

That is so cute.. what do you think??

4. Going to the zoo. On a drizzly day we went to the zoo with Patrick and it was SO much fun! He loved the animals, except for the huge fish which he was quite scared of. However, he would back up about five feet, then yell "RAAAARRRRR" at them. It was really cute! We did not get any digital pictures taken at the zoo.. but we got some film pictures while we were there, so hopefully those turned out!

5. Going to Seattle. It is nice when you have a brother-in-law who will drive you around in Seattle, because I hate driving! Plus, I don't know how to get around in Seattle! My parents watched the little boys and Sarah, Andrew, Josh, and I went on a double date to Seattle and then to Bellevue to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Good time and good food!

6. Seeing Lori, Kyle, and Caleb in Lincoln and the rest of Josh's family in Edgerton. It is nice to get to know Josh's AWESOME family better and they are all so kind to me whenever I see them. Caleb is growing up so fast !!!!

Now I am back with about 5 weeks to go. It's hard thinking about the future and what is going to come after graduation, but I am trusting the Lord that he will guide me to where I belong and what I should be doing. It's scary that soon I will be leaving all my friends, the life I have know for the past 4 year, and now Josh. :( Well whatever happens to each of us is in God's hands... and now I just trust and obey :)

Thats about it for now!! I hope you are all doing well!!!!!!


Sarah said...

Sammy is mad at you. He wants to know why you posted two pictures of Caleb and one picture of Patrick and zero of him? (j/k).

We really enjoyed having you both come for your break! It was so much fun hanging out with you... hopefully we weren't too boring to hang out with :-P.

Graduating from college is scary. It's hard trying to figure out what you'll do once you graduate. Andrew and I were on tenterhooks up until a month before graduation as he tried to find a job so we could go ahead and get married that summer and all... we were starting to get worried, but things worked out. God is faithful, and His plan is perfect. Everything will fall into place in their proper time :o).


Anonymous said...

hey rachel!
happy monday! 2 months ago we we getting ready to go to Olive Garden...i was probably asking your friends what i should wear:D its been fun...have a wonderful day
- Josh

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to update! MOM