Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Too often we don't realize

What we have until it is gone.

Too often we wait too late to say

"I'm sorry - I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones

We hold dearest to our hearts;

And we allow foolish things

To tear our lives apart.

Far too many times we let

Unimportant things into our minds;

And then it's usually too late

To see what made us blind.

So be sure that you let people know

How much they mean to you.

Take the time to say the words

Before your time is through.

Be sure that you appreciate

Everything you've got;

And be thankful for the little things

in life that means a lot.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Rachel;
You mean so much to us. We love you and look forward to you coming home. The weather is warm in Puyallup, and there is no snow to shovel. The trees are green, and the lawns are green. Even the cat misses you. Come home.
Vati und Muti

Anonymous said...

Katze has a present for you..;) Love, MOM

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Katze really doesn't miss you. I think we all know they're lying!