Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas 2007Christmas 2006

Family get togethers at my house are always very interesting... NEVER A DULL MOMENT! Here are just a couple examples :) Hope you all have a merry Christmas!

Here is the family.. minus Ethan and I ! As you can tell .. Patrick is at the stage where he hates pictures taken ..We started to see if we could put the napkin holders in our eye and keep them there! My dad was the winner :)
Sarah and I enjoying our time together!
WE had these candles on the table that looked like shot glasses.. so our joke was that when they all melted we had to take a shot of hot wax! ( Don't worry.. we are not stupid enough to do that!)
Patrick did not want to go home :(


Anonymous said...

Rachel, I hope you have a great trip back to Iowa. I am very proud of you! Have a great semester at school. Love, MOM