Monday, December 24, 2007

my life is not so bad:)

I realize I have a lot to be thankful for .. ( I know BIG surprise Rachel.)

My church in Tacoma is breaking off and making a new church in Puyallup ( my town). So Sunday evening they are having a Bible study in the book of Acts, until they can get settled in their own church building. Yesterday the Pastor talked about how the Devil tries to tempt/sway people by two different means.. persecution and seduction. He told us how in other countries this is where we see the persecution .. however in America the devil's prime tool is seduction. It's now so easy to see.. especially around the Christmas season.. when we see everyone's need for STUFF. People often think.. oh if I get this for Christmas, I will be really happy. However, you can see the Devil working through this... taking the real view of Christmas and making it into a God-less one. This holiday season.. I admit.. I fall in this trap...but when I really think about it, best Christmas present is being able to spend this time with my family. My nephews never fail to make me smile ... seriously.. they are all at such a fun stage .. I even did manage to get my first smile from little Ethan :) ( who knows .. it probably was gas.. but I say it was a smile!!) Then when you focus on the things that REALLY matter, it is so much easier to get your focus and realize that the season is focused around Christ and what he has done for us.. and how we should be SO thankful for all he has done for us!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by... many changes.. very few regrets.. but overall a VERY good year :) Thank you everyone who played a part in my life this year. Everyone one of you blessed me in many ways.. more than you ever will know :)

Have a merry Christmas :) ---Love you all!