Friday, December 28, 2007

Missing my nephews

I am on my way back to Iowa. However.. as expected.. my flight was delayed. It makes it a lot better though that they now have free internet so that I can spend my time on it.. there could be more productive things to do.. but oh well! My stay at home was really good. If you are stupid and can't tell.. I love my nephews so much and I am sad that they are growing up without me :( ... oh well. Here is a cute movie of all of them.. don't mind sammy banging little ethan on the head ;)

I also read most of the book "Finding the Will of God" by Bruce K. Waltke. My parents gave it too all my siblings.. so i figured it must be pretty good so I started reading ... and it has been a very good book. I sincerely recommend it to anyone and everyone. I have read 3/4 of it and it has already changed my perspective of how to view God's will in my life. So PLEASE if you can.. buy it or rent it from the library.. it is a very good book and I think it has profound implications for the Christian walk.

Anyways.. I am have a couple more pictures I want to post of the week.. but I have to wait to get my baggage because they are on a flash drive in it! Lets just hope my bags make it to Iowa!! :)


Sarah said...

Hey! I didn't get that book! Mom and Dad must not like me :o(... or maybe they figure I already figured it all out :-P

Anonymous said...

sorry sarah, I have a waltke book for you and andrew too. MOM