Monday, December 10, 2007

New Post

Well hello everyone :)

Brr. Iowa is COLD. FREEZING. Poor lucy has a hard time getting around on the ice and the snow.. so I try and take good care of the poor little car.

Today I was talking to a man that works at the hospital and he was asking about my life.. and it came up that I graduated from Dordt and I was from Washington. He wondered why I moved back here.. and I told him about school and that good stuff and he asked me if I regretted not moving back to Washington. I confidently could say, no I am so satisfied being here and I know this is where God wants me right now.

It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are where God wants you. However, I often wonder about my life. Now that it is almost perfect, I often forget to thank God for the perfect times. I put him on the back burner.. unless something serious happens I quickly retreat to him for help. I often cringe when I look at my life... not praying so much or making excuses not to do my devotions at night. Thats one think in life I need to work on...

Anyways.... that's that for now.

Right now, as Iowa is ICED over, I feel like I am more pinned to my house. Then it gets really boring here I want to go out and DO something but I can't cuz I dont want to kill myself on the road! However, I am thankful for my friends who come SAVE me and take me around places :)
So on Sat. I decided I was just going to make the best of it and spend that time at my friends house. We decided to make Christmas cookies with decorations then watched one of the best movies ever, The Holiday. Then I just spent the night there because no way was I going to get my car home with a foot of snow on the road! It was really fun and relaxing.. and for the first time this holiday season I felt like Christmas was coming soon.

Anyways, life has been good... even with the snow falling down, it still makes everything so pretty. Sorry for the rambling.. it's more for my sake to get it out of my head ;)

Hope you are all doing well! XOXOXOXO


Anonymous said...

Snow and ice can be beneficial. Inclement weather makes makes you slow down and think about the important stuff in life. Looking forward to seeing you soon. MOM

Anonymous said...

Poor Hygiene - regular showering and cleansing in the penis and surrounding areas is a must, if that doesn't necessarily occur then the sizegenetics may become irritated or infected;Priapism - an sizegenetics of this penis this can be persistent and will not subside;Prostatitis - an infection associated with the prostate gland;Sickle Cell Anemia - a blood disease that affects the hemoglobin, or the protein for the blood that carries oxygen via the sizegenetics and can restrict penile function;STD's and Other Infections - Chlamydia, genital herpes, scabies and crabs, thrush and other forms of infections;