Sunday, April 06, 2008


I got tagged by Sarah , so here goes nothing.

1. Ten years ago I was…
in junior high school .. 7th grade. The teachers were wondering what to do with my massive amount of energy. I was very nerdy looking with a sweet perm that I had no idea how to take care of. Let's just say I am glad those days are done!!

2. Things on my to do list today:

Wake up at 6... drove to Worthington for clinical, went out to eat with my good friend, went to go check out a rental house I might live in, got coffee, do homework, run 4 miles, take a shower, and go to bed :)

3. Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire:

I would put some away in savings, buy a nice place for me to live in, buy my nephews lots of presents, then donate a lot to orphanages around the world

4. Bad habits:

Spilling coffee on myself. Not very good at correcting my terrible grammar :D
I know I have a lot of them but I really can't think of any right now!

5. Places I have lived:
Chicago, Mississippi, Puyallup, Gottingen, Sioux Center

6. Jobs I have now or have had:

I worked at my dad's office for different periods of my life, the day care while I was at Dordt, the hospital now, and I am applying to be a CNA at my friend's hospital.

7. Things people don’t know about me (quirky things about me):
Well, my last post gave away the fact that I have a tail. I also get really scared when I am home alone by myself so I love to blast my music when I am home alone so I don't hear the creepy noises.
8. Things that make my life superfabulous right now:

School is going really fun and it is almost over for the summer which makes it even BETTER! I also think I can convince one of my friends to get a little puppy so that would be really sweet if he actually does!!! Also, SUMMER IS COMING and it is getting hot out!!!

I get to tag three people, so Jonny, Dad, and Josh ( if you guys even read this blog :) )


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what it means to be tagged.

Rachel said...

you have to do it in your own blog dad :)