Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Finally a post from Josh

Happy Valentine's Day! Boy did I ever pick an expensive time of the year to start dating! First this then her birthday next week! What was I thinking? She's worth it, as I'm sure you all know. Well Rachel is busy studying, and I have all my homework done for the week, so I thought I should update you on my life.
So what did we do for Valentine's Day? Well I got her some flowers and made her supper. I made a (rather tasty) Cajun Chicken Linguini, and for dessert, what better than my famous Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake? She spoiled me and got me some cologne that smells awesome and some chocolate golf balls. Pretty awesome.
I led a 40 minute discussion on Insider Trading (with special attention payed to Martha Stewart) today in my Senior Seminar case. It was one of 3 big projects we have to do during the semester, so it's nice to have that done. I think it went really well, I put a lot of work into it; I think it payed off. Its kinda funny, Rachel and I start "officially" dating, then for the first 3 days we hardly get to see each other. She had a couple big tests that she studied hard for and I had this presentation that I put a lot of time into. But it'll be good the next while, I'm far enough ahead that I don't need to do MUCH homework. Of course I can always study investments and watch Bloomburg, but Rachel thinks I'm a nerd if I do that. She likes it though, she just wont admit it. But anyways, time has come for Praise and Worship. Have a great week everyone, and Kyle and Lori, keep the pictures coming! Maybe we'll come visit you the first weekend in March?


Sarah said...

Josh, I hear that the meal you made was fantastic, esp. that cheesecake. Maybe I should have taken you up on your offer and joined you both for dinner ;o).

I'm glad you both had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I look forward to hearing what you have in store for Rachies' birthday!

Let me know when you get more pictures of that handsome little nephew of yours... I feel almost embarrassed at how many facebook comments I have left you on how cute that little guy is... but he's really a sweet little man, so I can't help myself.

Oh, and I hope you two can come for St. Patty's Day... it's the one day of the year that I pull out all the Irish recipes... and it's YUMMY!


Sarah said...

psssssst.... Rachel, would you like Andrew to set up a website like Diane's and mine for you? Maybe he could register for you, or, or whatever your heart desires ;o)

Sarah said...

I'm thinking this blog needs an update. I want to hear all about your birthday!!!!!