Saturday, January 29, 2005

New Day~

Today is a lazy Sat. not much to do. Right now I am just waiting for Lyane to do her hair so that we can go to the track meet. She is listening to some crazy weird music i never heard before, I want to turn it down or off but that would be mean :) I slept to 12 today, and got a lot of sleep. I have been really tired lately because I have all early moring classes so it sucks. Oh well, its good for me. Tonight jill is going on her first date with Justin, that would be fun for her. She really likes him. He is on the hockey team so we went to see him play last night and they won. Then we played some catch phrase and that was fun. everyone was making fun of me because I use my hands to try to explain things, but it was a good time. Well, I gotta get some make up so I can go to the track meet. Then I will probably do some homework and then a hockey game, then who knows what. :) hopefully its a good day!